Monday, February 28, 2011

Battle Creek, Period, Jeggings, Houses, Dodgeball

Wednesday morning, Emily's landlord texted to say that her apartment had power again.  She headed off to class.  Lila refused to take her normal morning nap so she and I met Jake for lunch.  She likes seeing him during the day.  When we were done, we met Emily back at my place and from there drove to Battle Creek.  Lila slept a little on the way.  We dropped off Emily's application to their dental hygiene program.  It was nice to see the campus and Emily was excited to have that done.  Jake asked why I had to go with her, and I kind of wondered the same thing, but I was happy to do it.  Emily tags along on a lot of the errands I run (and helps so much with the baby) that it's nice to be able to do something for/with her.

Emily went home after that.  Jake, Lila, and I had dinner and then home taught the Hunts.  (Jake's companion couldn't go, so we went with.)  Waylon's a week older than Lila and walking all over the place.  He's taller than Lila is--so big!  After Lila went to bed, Jake and I watched Big Fish.  I saw it when it first came out, but Jake never had.  We enjoyed it and laughed a lot.

Oh, this is pretty exciting: I got my period on Wednesday night.  It was a 48 day cycle (the only one I had before that was 33 days).  We are so excited to get pregnant again.

Thursday, Lila and I went to the mall in the afternoon.  For a while there, she was taking pretty regular naps (at 12 and 4, and then for a while at 11 and 3) but she's been fighting naps this week, so instead of just waiting around for her to nap, we went out.  It was fun, actually.  Lila did great at the mall.  She was smiling and laughing at strangers--not a serious, stoic baby like she used to be.  I got some fries at the food court and she happily sucked on a few for quite a while.  Even as we walked around the mall, she sat back and relaxed in her stroller and sucked on them, which is a pretty big deal, for her.  I dropped off my anniversary ring at the jeweler's (one of the little diamonds fell out) and got my eyebrows waxed (way overdue on that one), and looked around.  I went to The Children's Place for the first time ever and was tempted to get Lila some cute shirts, but I'll wait until the weather is warmer.  Who knows what size she'll be in a few months.  She's outgrown most of her 18-month shirts and fits perfectly in 24 mo. shirts. But, I did find some jeggings (jean leggings) that are SO ADORABLE.  I've been trying to find her a pair of jeans that will fit.  I bought some 2T jeans at Kohl's but they wouldn't fit over her juicy thighs, so funny.  So the 3T jeggings fit and they are absolutely adorable.  I call her J. Lo when she wears them.

We saw two houses that night, and I really liked them both!  They were both big ranches.  The first had five bedrooms, a big basement.  The second had a lot of updates and was really big too.  But Jake's not a big fan of either.  Sigh.  So we'll keep looking, I guess.  Rich was helpful... answered a lot of questions we had and had a lot of tips about buying houses and what to look for.  So he scored some points with me.

By the time we were done with that, it was 7.  Lila hadn't napped before we went out, but fell asleep in the car while we were driving.  When she woke up we had dinner at Panera.  She ate a teeny bit of my soup, we put some on a spoon for her to feed herself with.  We've learned that Lila 1) will not eat if we feed her; she has to feed herself, and 2) she doesn't like mushy things.  Like if I gave her a pretzel dipped in actual yogurt, she wouldn't eat it, but we got some yogurt-covered pretzels at the store yesterday and she'll occasionally suck on those.  It has to be a "dry" texture.  She did like the soup though, until a little piece of broccoli got into her mouth.  Then she gagged and stopped eating.  I think we let Lila stay up to watch The Office with us (mostly so that we could watch it together).  Mike's big date was Thursday night. More on that later.

Friday, Jake met us at the pediatrician/lab near his work.  Lila had to get a venous blood draw to re-check her lead levels.  When children get their lead levels checked through finger pricks, 90% of the results are negative.  But sometimes positive results can be false, so we needed to get a more accurate reading.  It actually was a lot easier than the finger pricks, because they could collect the blood a lot faster.  It wasn't as traumatic as I thought it would be.  Jake's great.  I'm glad he could come with and help out.  He held Lila while that was happening.

After that, Lila fell asleep in the car.  Jake went with me to grab some lunch and we picked up some donuts for his big work meeting that day (he was leading the meeting).  So we got to visit a little bit.  I made pizza for dinner.  Mike stopped by for a little bit, then he and Emily went bowling and got shamrock shakes.

Saturday morning, Lila woke up early (7:30).  We played in bed with her and then got ready for the dodgeball tournament.  Got there at 9:30 for registration.  It was at the Battle Creek chapel... a fundraiser for their boy scouts.  Jake and Mike were originally going to play on Preston's team ("Special K"), but Mike's YM didn't have enough members ("Team X"), so they joined that team.  I sat with Annette and Robyn Green and Kendra Johnson and enjoyed visiting with them.  Lila took a nap in the mother's room (I rocked/nursed her to sleep, didn't take very long at all) and she slept for almost an hour.  I read The Age of Innocence on Jake's iPhone while she slept.  He brought me water and a hot dog.  Jake's team won the whole tournament!  Pretty funny!  I was teasing Jake all morning because he's not the most athletic guy, but he did alright!  It was a fun morning.  Mike had fun carting Lila around.  Lila enjoyed climbing stairs and wearing Jake's metal.

After that we went grocery shopping.  Took showers when we got home and all took naps.  Jake had Stake meetings from 5-11pm, so I was alone with Lila for the evening.  We just hung out, played around.  She was asleep at 9:30.  For the rest of the evening, I worked on Lila's book (making a Blurb book with the letters I've written to her this year and pictures).  When Jake got home (at 11 or after!), we talked about the Priesthood meeting. Good man, that Jake.

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