Saturday, February 5, 2011

Black Boots, Sunshine, Dinner Party, Cleaning

Friday (yesterday) was a pretty busy day.  We're not normally gone from home that long!  Lila had another rough night of sleep but was up at 9.  We went to the stake center at 10 to drop off dessert for a funeral luncheon and helped set up a little and visited with some of the women there (Alicia Thompson, who just found out that she's having a girl next, the female Leflers, and Valerie Michalek).  Then we headed to Emily's and had lunch there.  I thought Lila and I might have to go home so that Lila could nap, but after walking around Emily's darkened room with her for 10 minutes (but it felt like so much longer because she's so heavy) she did fall asleep and napped for maybe 30-40 minutes.  Not long.

It was so nice sitting in Em's apartment though because the sun was out and pouring in through the big windows in her apartment.  I love sunshine.  Especially in the winter.

After that we headed to DSW to find some black, leather dress boots for me.  Jake's dad spilled some insulation or paint on my old ones over Christmas.  We did find some.  I'm not like absolutely crazy about them, but they fit and they're pretty cute and they'll do.  I sure love having those kinds of boots in the winter.  We went to Marshall's and tried on some clothes there but didn't end up buying anything.  Lila pooped in the dressing room... of course.  She had 4-5 episodes of diarrhea that day.

Dropped Emily off, went back home.  Skyped with my mom while we waited for Jake to get home.  At 5 he met the missionaries on campus and they taught a Chinese investigator.  He loved it.  He came home and we left to have dinner at Jen and Sean Randall's.  Jen is Jake's boss, and they're also in our ward.  They live in Tall Oaks apartments, right by the Thompsons.  In a 2-bedroom just like we used to live in.  Their boys, Reid (11) and Mackenzie (5), are just... adorable.  Well-mannered, gentle, smart, happy, cute, friendly, etc.  I just love being around kids like that and the spirit in the home was a happy, peaceful one.  So it was a really nice time.  We didn't get there till around 7.  Dinner was chicken and mashed potatoes and salad.  Dessert was a really yummy apple crisp, but I couldn't eat the apples.  So it was fun just visiting and getting to know each other.  I'm really grateful that Jake is working for Jen at this new company.  It's all been so good so far.  Jen complimented my talk that I gave a few weeks ago; she was impressed that I don't have to read my talk... she said she gets way too nervous to do that.  But I'm the opposite: it makes me way more nervous to read my talk than to just wing it.  Also had a conversation about how Jake is never angry.

We were there till 9, Lila was really tired and 9 is bedtime.  She fell asleep on the way home.  Didn't get back to sleep till 10:15 or so.  Mike came over after that and we watched the movie Red.  Good movie.  We were up late, till 1.  Before we headed to bed, Jake and I whispered in the hallway outside of our room about how much we love Lila.  It's so adorable, I think, how in love we are with her... and it's so special that we have her to bond over.  We talked about how much we love this co-sleeping thing.  On Facebook the other day, Amberly Schmidt's status was something about how she checked in on her baby before she headed to bed... he was asleep in his crib and she just cried because he was so peaceful and she just wanted to hold him but didn't want to wake him up... and I thought about how wonderful it is just sleeping next to Lila and getting to cuddle her whenever.  I know it doesn't work for every family, but we sure love it.  And we giggled imagining how Lila sits up with sleepy, grumpy eyes when she wakes up in the middle of the night, just sits there, it's so adorable.  And I'm grateful knowing that I won't have any regrets about Lila... I won't regret not cuddling her and being near her when she's all grown up, or at least an older child.

Today was a good day.  Pretty low-key, but good.  We cleaned all morning, which was great.  So nice to have Jake's help.  Lila was pretty miserable all day.  She now has a cough and a runny nose, so she was pretty clingy.  So we got the place cleaned up.  Aunt Gina came over for a little while.  She hadn't seen Lila for quite some time!  It was nice visiting with her, and she's excited that we're looking at houses.  Oh, Jake talked to the apartment manager today.  In our contract, it says that in order to break our lease early, we would need to pay 3 months rent (plus extra, because we're paying less than market value right now)... which would be between $2000-3000.  A lot!  But Steve said that if we're planning on buying a house, we'll just need to bring in proof (paperwork or whatever) and we'd only have to pay one month's rent!  Woohoo!  What a huge relief.  I don't think that will really change how fast/slow we'll buy, but it's just a big relief.  Now we need to start talking to lenders.

Lila fell asleep in Jake's lap in the rocking chair for her 4:00 nap... but didn't sleep too long there.  After she woke up, I had dinner (Jake is fasting) and went grocery shopping by myself.  Not my favorite thing to do, but Lila would not have had a fun time at all.  So she and Jake got an hour together... and when I got home and told Jake that I was only gone an hour, he was surprised because it felt like so much longer. :) lol.  I told him, yeah, welcome to my world. 

We took showers and Lila was asleep shortly after 8.  Poor girl is so miserable.  So Jake and I have been typing away... he's working, I've been doing Primary stuff and writing in here.  Now maybe I'll read a little before we head to bed.

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