Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Anemia, Lead Levels, and a Hot Date for Mike

Jake's campus/office was officially closed yesterday, but he went into work there anyway.  Most of his co-workers did too.  The weather wasn't terrible, but things were still icy and a lot of the city was still without power.  Emily had slept over, so we hung out in the morning and while Lila took her morning nap.  She's a good baby.  A little crankier than normal right now, but still a good, sweet baby.

Emily originally wanted to drive to Battle Creek to drop off her application to their dental hygiene program but I didn't want to drive there because of the roads/weather.  But she really wanted to go out, so we decided to stay in town.  I was originally going to drive to the mall, but major intersections were without power and had police cars everywhere, so we went down West Main.  Right as we pulled out of the apartment complex, Dr. LaRue (Lila's pediatrican) called with the results of Lila's blood work.  She is anemic and we'll have to have her take iron supplements and vitamins to correct that.  But what was more surprising/weird is that her lead levels are elevated!  We have no idea how that happened.  Jake did some reading online and it's possible that it's innacurate because it was just from a finger prick (I think that's what he read).  But we live in a newly renovated apartment--we're the first people to live her.  She doesn't have old toys or spend time in old homes.  So I have no idea.  A "lead nurse" from the health department is supposed to contact me soon to talk about it.  So weird.  That whole phone call made me pretty upset.  I feel so bad for Lila.  I wish she would just eat food.

After that we went to the pharmacy to pick up her vitamins and supplement and then went to Kohl's so I could make some exhanges.  Headed home and it took an hour to get Lila down for her nap.  She was fighting sleep a lot. 

Jake got home and we had dinner (hamburger helper, corn muffins, and peaches).  We also gave her her iron supplement mixed in with some orange juice and had to force her to take it.  She was really upset after that and completely refused any food we offered her at dinner.  She sat on Jake's lap for the last half of dinner and fed him with a fork, which was pretty adorable.

He took off for his church meeting.  Emily and I played with the baby.  I put her in her bouncer--she hasn't been in that in a long time.  Lila started climbing over the top of the loveseat and probably would have fallen off head-first if I hadn't stopped her.  We played peek-a-boo and practiced walking.  At around 7:45 she hit a wall and wanted to go to bed immediately.  So we got her ready for bed and she was asleep around 8:30.

After that, we had some cookies and I wrote Lila's letter, which took a while and seemed like more work than usual.  Looked at pictures on Facebook of a girl from Kalamazoo who was one of my YW when we first moved here.  She had a baby right after she graduated high school (not married).  What a life that would be.

Jake got home at 11. We had a talk about marriage.  I'm just way too sensitive lately, I think, and a little down.  I think I have a mild seasonal depression type thing.  Nothing serious... but the weather really does affect my mood and happiness.  We read a little from the handbook.  Jake just loves that handbook :)

The "big" news of the evening was about Mike -- in his words:

Okay, finally some good news. So, I went to the Detroit temple tonight. I have work on this side of the state in the morning, so I went and picked up a hotel room. On my elevator ride up to my room, I received an answer to my prayers, a blessing for temple service (well, really it was a text message from Cassandy). Meanwhile, I was getting ready and going out with one of my coworkers, so the conversation wasn’t as fluid as it would have been if I was just sitting around. But this was kind of fun. And really exciting. Enjoy...confidentially. (Oh, and as a disclaimer, I do recognize that creamation is spelt wrong, but I was just going off of the way she spelt creamate, so I take no responsibility for that one) Here goes:

Cassandra @ 9:06pm: So I drove through battle creek yesterday on my way home. You guys really got hit with that ice storm! Did people lose power? We did…

Mike @ 9:41pm: Yeah! Lots of people lost power. Lost it at work too. How long were you without power? So you’re home now?

Cassandra @ 9:51pm: We still don’t have power, maybe not til Friday morning. I leave Friday.

Mike @ 10:02pm: Wow. Do you have a generator or are you staying somewhere else? Where are you leaving to?

Cassandra @ 10:03pm: We’ve got a wood stove and a generator. It’s reading week at school and they let us take it off, so I’m in Kalamazoo, Friday I head back to Canada.

Mike @ 10:08pm: That’s good. What on earth is reading week? Are you going home Friday morning or evening?

Cassandra @ 10:11pm: Morning. It’s what Canadians do instead of spring break…a whole week to study midterms.

Mike @ 10:18pm: That’s pretty neat. I think I’d rather be done with midterms before “spring break” and not mix the two though. I actually have Friday off. Would you like to do something Thursday night?

Cassandra @ 10:25pm: I’m game for that…what would you have in mind?

Mike @ 10:31pm: Hmm. I haven’t really thought this through. We could go bowling…

Mike @ 10:33pm: Or to a movie. Or sledding, ice skating, ice fishing, or we could play skip bo.

Mike @ 10:36pm: I’m also open to any suggestions if you have them :)

Cassandra @ 10:37pm: …we could do pretty much anything that involves ice…as long as it also involves hot chocolate. Even a movie. :)

Cassandra @ 10:41pm: I haven’t been had skating in a while, that’d be fun (I typed this out, just a slip I guess. Haha, “I haven’t been had skating in a while”

Mike @ 10:42pm: Oh my. I can try it. I haven’t skated in at least a decade.

Mike @ 10:45pm: We could hold some sort of an ice vigil ceremony for all of the trees that got toppled by the ice storm. That would warrant some hot cocoa.

Cassandra @ 10:45pm: And you call yourself a U-per…Isn’t that some kind of oxymoron?

Cassandra @ 10:47pm: Haha! I like that idea. Maybe we should creamate them.

Mike @ 10:48pm: No. We go snowmobiling in the UP. Not ice skating. But fishing is mandatory up there. And yeah, a creamation service would be very touching.

Cassandra @ 10:51pm: Just found out we’ve got a leak in the barn. Gotta run. Let me know when you want to meet up Thursday. Goodnight :)

Mike @ 11:23pm: Yikes! Good luck with that leak. I’ll get back with you about the time tomorrow. Goodnight!

1 comment:

  1. That's so weird about Lila's lead levels. You'll have to tell us when/if you figure it out!

    I hope Lila develops an interest in food. I read in Parenting Magazine this month that kids are more likely to eat what they prepare themselves, should have Lila make dinner. :) Sorry, that's not helpful. I have no ideas for you. All in its own time, and if your pediatrician isn't concerned, I wouldn't be either. That's cute that she likes feeding you with a fork.

    BYU also has reading week/days. I never thought about it as instead of spring break, but I guess so. They were always just study days!
