Friday, February 11, 2011


We did go to the library.  Tuesday night, Emily Solomon (Emily's friend) came over for a little while.  She wanted to meet Lila.  She's funny, reminds me of Jenna Bernson.  After they left, I talked to Mike a little on the phone (he was on his way home from the temple) and read some library books and played on the iPhone.  Jake didn't get home till around 11 or 11:30.

Wednesday... maintenance came over and fixed the screen door (re-caulked it) and worked on a leak in the master bathroom.  So for Lila's second nap, we hung out in her room.  I want to get our twin bed back (Dan's using it) so that she can start taking naps in her room.  I think it'd be good for her.

She slept for an hour.  I held her in the rocking chair.  I had to wake her up because we had to leave to look at houses.  Jake and I met at 4:20, he parked his car, we went to the first house.  The first three houses we saw were in the same neighborhood... Parkview/Oakland area.  None of them fit the bill.  Then we headed north a ways and found a house that we really like.  It's out in the country... but very close to the freeway... but it has propane and apparently that can be expensive... and they're asking $20k more than they paid for it just 3 years ago.  Don't think they put that much money into it. So, anyway, it's something to consider.  Mike warned us that propane is pretty expensive (the house has propane).  So.  We'll do some thinking.

When we got home from that, we had a quick dinner before Jake headed off to home-teach.  I was pretty crabby when he left.  Wasn't feeling well and wasn't looking forward to another bed-time alone with Lila.  Emily stopped by to pick up some laundry she'd left here.  Jake got home around 8:45 and we were both in bed by 9:30.  I had an awful time sleeping that night.  Laid awake for hours.  So did Jake.  Lila slept great, though.  It was stupid.

I was tired Thursday (yesterday).  Understandably so.  It was another day at home, alone, for Lila and I.  It will be marvelous when we're all healthy and can get out more.  She napped, I read, I made noodle soup for lunch and tried to feed her, but of course, she just threw all her food on the floor.  I made lemon raspberry muffins again (yum) and was happy when Jake got home.  We had a yummy, easy homemade pizza for dinner.  Did showers.  Laid in bed with Lila for an hour while she worked on falling asleep.  It's hilarious, really, how she tries to get comfortable and fall asleep.  She puts her forehead on the bed, on my tummy, on my face, bent forward, with her butt up in the air, like a yoga pose.  And then she'll toss and turn a little. 

She was asleep by 9.  So Jake and I got to watch The Office.  We went to bed at 10:30.  I slept much better, but did lay awake for a while because my stomach is starting to hurt now.  Queasy.  Not quite pukey, but queasy and upset.  I'm feeling pretty awful today and Lila's doing about the same as she has been.  So grateful that it's the weekend.  Jake gave me a nice backrub last night before bed and was good at soothing me and helping me relax.  He took NyQuil and felt "guilty" that I couldn't (because I'm nursing). 

The Betzolds have been emailing back and forth today... Melissa is planning her trip to Michigan/Ohio in July.  Mike is going to fly out there and drive here with her.  We'll spend the 4th of July week partying in Ironwood and then spend a weekend in Petoskey.  I'm so excited.  I can't wait to see her and the girls again.

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