Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Yesterday was a pretty full day, considering that Lila and I didn't leave the apartment.  Lila's schedule was off a little, but she still got a lot of sleep.  She woke up at 9 and was ready for a nap by 11.  Only slept for 20-30 minutes.  So we played for a while and had lunch.  Emily was planning on coming over so I left the door unlocked so that Lila and I could take another nap at 1:30.  I had a bad headache (I've been having them quite a bit the last few days) so the sleep was awesome and I woke up feeling much better.  Lila felt a lot better too.

Emily was there when I woke up.  I woke up shortly after she got there... lol... she was a giant creeper and was watching Lila and I sleep for a little while.  She said that my eyes were partially open and my mouth was twitching.  So classy.  We laughed about that for a while... if she had been there when I woke up I would've been so freaked out.

We got two packages in the mail yesterday.  The first was Jake's iPhone!  We were surprised it got here so fast.  The second was a 4-inch high bust of Jake, a little statue.  The project he was working at in Germany for Stryker involved making 3D scans of things and printing them out using a 3D printer.  So the last time Jake was there, they scanned his face/neck/shoulders and printed out a bust of him.  It's so funny.  It reminds Emily and I of the scene in Pride and Prejudice (the Kierra Knightley version) where she sees the bust of Darcy and the housekeeper asks her if it's a good likeness of him.  Emily and I want to make a movie of us doing that with Jake's, which would be funny because it's so little.  We laughed a lot about that too.

At 4, Lila was ready for another nap but I don't think she actually fell asleep until 4:45, and then slept for an hour.  She woke up as Emily and I were Skyping with Mom and Dad, and Jake got home around that time.  I made dinner, we ate it, and activated his iPhone.  I spent the rest of the night playing with that and downloading apps.  I'm in love.  I couldn't justify getting one for myself though... not when I'm at home all day with access to a computer and the internet, and I don't have a job where I'd need to be checking my email a lot, etc.  But it's sure fun to play with.

Dan is still going up to visit Kelsey for 6 days.  He said that the talk went "really well" and still wants to date her even though he knows it won't really work out.  We talked with him for a while last night. It was pretty unproductive, lol.  He's sooo... immature.  But he's trying to make an appointment with Kathy, the LDS counselor.  And he talked to one of his rehab counselors about it too.  So that's good.

We did showers and bedtime last night pretty quickly.  Lila was really tired by 8.  We were sitting in bed with her and Jake was looking at his phone and she peeked underneath it to get his attention and said, "Dada."  I don't know if I've ever heard her say it like that before, in order to get his attention. She probably has, but I've never noticed it.  So that was really cute.

I found a good trick to get her to fall asleep much more easily.  When she's sitting up in bed before bedtime, after we've read books, if I just rub her back until I feel her body is relaxed, and then lay her down, she dozes off pretty quickly and quietly.  It's awesome!  So far today and yesterday she's fallen asleep on her own... and she usually doesn't do that for naps, just bedtime.  So that's good.

We were up past midnight again.  Oy.  I cleaned up and read, played on the iPhone, and Jake did clerk work. 

Oh, we had a kind of funny conversation Sunday night.  For a long time now, probably most of our marriage, I sometimes ask Jake what he loves about me.  And it's so funny because almost every time he says, "Your personality."  Without being much more specific than that.  But he says it in a thoughtful way, like he really means it, but it's just such a lame answer. lol.  Anyway, he asked me what exactly I wanted to hear, and so I gave him an example of something I loved about him... and I can't remember what I said, but it was something he had done earlier that day.  And he said, "But that's just something I did.  You want to know what I love that you've done?"  All alone he thought I wanted to hear something he loved that I am, like a personality trait or something, which he has a hard time with.... but he has no problem thinking of cute things that I do that he loves.  It was a really funny moment.  He said that he thought it was funny/cute how I texted him updates during testimony meeting that morning... about who was up at the podium. 

The past several nights I've been waking up at around 5am and lay awake for an hour, unable to sleep.  I realized last night (while I was laying there, unable to sleep) that it was because we haven't been turning the heat down because Lila's sick... and I don't sleep well when I'm too warm.  So hopefully I'll be able to get some better sleep from now on.... I think that the lack of sleep is causing my headaches.

Lila woke up at 9 this morning screaming and crying.  Hyperventilating.  She cried like that for 20 minutes.  So that was weird.  She calmed down eventually.  Lori said that when Jake was little he used to do that when he woke up from naps, maybe it was something like that or maybe because she's still pretty sick.  We played till 11, when she got really cranky/tired again and then she fell asleep at around 11:30, on her own, which is great. 

I'd like to go to the library today... we'll see.  Emily's coming over again.  Maybe we can go together or she can stay here with Lila and I can go. 

1 comment:

  1. LOL about the tiny bust of Jake. You should definitely take a movie of you doing that scene...then post it on here so I can see it. Hilarious.

    I feel the same way about the iPhone. Do you have an iPod touch? Those are just as fun...it's all about the apps. I have one that was my brother James' before he left for his mission. On a trip to AZ, it got a little wet, and so now doesn't turn off or connect to the internet...so it's pretty useless. All I use it for is to play games on while Jane is falling asleep in her room.

    I love that Lila is saying new words. It's the most fun!

    I hope Lila gets to be feeling better!
