Thursday, February 3, 2011

Tuesday's Blizzard

I was pretty crabby with Jake on Monday for not letting me know he wouldn't be home till 8... he probably didn't know he was going to be that long either... but anyway, I was a little crabby.  I'm telling you, winter is getting rough!  The sun is out right now, which is just so lovely.  It makes such a difference.

Lila and I didn't leave the apartment yesterday.  A blizzard hit us in the evening.  So we kept busy inside.  Cleaned, de-cluttered a little.  Made dinner.  Lila took a few good naps.  Read books.  Played with toys.  Lila ate one whole puff for lunch... which is pretty impressive, for her.  That girl is something else.  She is just not interested in food!  At all!  Melissa suggested dipping foods in sauces... apple sauce, yogurt, ketchup, ranch, etc. and we've been trying that but she is just not interested.  And it makes her way less interested if we try to feed her.  I'm not worried really, I know she'll get there in her own time, but I just wonder when she'll start being interested.  I wonder what the doctor will suggest.  I've Googled it a little, but I know what most people say anyway... that all babies are different and that she'll learn how to eat in her own time. 

I did a lot of reading/studying Tuesday about Eve.  The mother of all living.  I'm going to read the Old Testament, probably very slowly, and especially study family/marriage/children/women.  I find it all fascinating.

Something new that Lila's doing is she'll press her forehead/face against our faces or my chest.  I think it's her way of cuddling/giving kisses/showing affection... or telling me that she wants to eat.  And it's not in a gentle way.  It's kind of a head-butt.  And she mostly does it when she's tired.  But it's sweet and adorable.  She's still not close to walking.  She can't stand or balance on her own.  Jake sure tries to help her though.  We try to have her walk from Jake to me and vice versa, but as soon as we let go, she kneels down, it's pretty funny because she think it's a game.  So I don't think she'll be walking for a few months yet.  Probably because she's so chubby. :)

Jake got home at 6 and we had a quick dinner of spam and potatoes and then he had his meeting at 7.  Thankfully, it was a conference call meeting--due to the weather--so he could stay home.  And they ended on time (10:30), which was also nice.  I had been dreading another cold, snowy night at home.  But I got to have Jake with me. :)  Lila was asleep by 9:30, and we stayed up past midnight, again.  Seems like that's becoming a habit.  Talked about the Sabbath Day.  Jake wants to keep it holy by not watching the Superbowl.  I still feel like it's not a big deal.  But, I will sustain my husband if it's so important to him.  He really feels like we will be blessed for keeping the Sabbath holy.  I was crabby about that too though.

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