Monday, February 28, 2011

First Steps!

Jake and Lila are both in bed asleep already and it's only 9:18.  Lila took just that one nap today and passed out at 7:50.  She would've been in bed sooner but we did showers tonight and it took a while to eat dinner.  I spent almost an hour trying to get her to nap this afternoon while Emily was here (she made yummy banana butterscotch muffins), but she just wasn't interested.  As soon as I get her on a schedule and we get into a good routine, she changes.  And that's fine.

Jake got home a little later than usual, 6 or later.  We had dinner.  Lila ate a black bean.  Kind of gagged but she kept it in her mouth and swallowed it.  So that's good.

After dinner we played the "walking game" where we have Lila walk between us, and Lila took what we will call her first official steps.  She was standing by Jake, holding onto him for balance, and I sat a few feet away.  What we'll usually do is help her start walking towards the other person.  But this time, I just held out my hands a little bit and said, "Walk to Mama!" and she let go of Jake on her own and took three steps to me!  It was awesome!  She did it all by herself.  And then, she refused to walk to Jake when we'd encourage her to.  She'd hesitantly take one small step in his direction, and then quickly turn back to me and give me a big hug.  She did that over and over.  :)  She sure loves her mama.

Since Lila went to bed so early, we did FHE after she went to bed.  Read a section on Parents and Children from the Handbook.  I cleaned up the kitchen.  Now I'm uploading Facebook pictures and relaxing.  I'll probably go read my book now.

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