Monday, February 21, 2011

A Valentine's Letter from Jake

Dear Rudi,

We have now been married for over 5 years.  From our married life, we now have so many memories.  I am so grateful that you keep a good journal, because a lot of our memories are stored there; at least the more accurate versions of them.  I really think that you are so amazing and am so glad to be your husband.  I am glad to be your partner, the one that gets to have you, to know you better than anyone else, and to be equally yoked together with you.  I really feel, and come to know more and more, that I truly have married a partner and not a project.  I also have grown to rely a lot on you, and to need you.  As you know, I'm a guy, so I don't like putting myself out there into a vulnerable spot.  Admitting that I need you and rely on you isn't something I do often verbally, but I do.  And as I do, I know it is right.  I am attracted to and attached to you and love being in this interdependent relationship with you.  And so, I have put together a list of some things that you do or you have done that I really appreciate and am grateful to you for.

You take care of so many of my physical needs.  You make dinner for us, and I love and appreciate it.  I also appreciate that you do this consistently.  I love that you are interested in looking for and learning different recipes.  It is so nice to have homemade food eaten at home.  I love to have meals together in our home.  I love it when you just make whatever.  But I also appreciate that a couple Sundays ago, when we didn't have dinner plans (because we had a large lunch) you offered to get me cereal for dinner if that is what I wanted.  You see, I could easily get myself a bowl of cereal, but it really means a lot to me that you offered to do that for me.  And I know there are other times when you offer to do something like that that is simple for me.  You take care of this physical need of mine very well.

I very much appreciate it that you do all of the laundry without complaining.  I really really appreciate this.  I could do my laundry, and know how, but I appreciate that you do this for me; you take care of this physical need for me and I rely on you for it.  Every time I open my underwear drawer in the morning when I am getting ready for work and see that it's full, I think to myself, "She is awesome."  Sorry for now saying it just then, but you are usually asleep when that happens.  But I want you to know that I am very very grateful. 

You are such a great mother and take care of Lila so well.  I appreciate your hippy-ness in regards to our daughter's sleeping habits.  I love her so much, and think we are doing the right thing.  And, I don't mind it.  I don't like waking up in the middle of the night with her sitting up and crying away, but I know that will pass as she grows; and I want her to know that we are there for her, and love her and will protect her and take care of her.  She is such a sweetheart and you are such a great mother for taking so good care of her.  I know you put so many hours and hours into just being there for her.  Holding her, nursing here, spending so much time (that may be boring) with her.  I appreciate this, and we will be so blessed because of it.  I really believe that this is part of you providing everything our children will need to be successful in life.  God bless you for it Rudi.  It is also awesome that you write our daughter a sweet letter every month.  That is so thoughtful and kind, and makes a great record of her growing up so fast before our eyes.

I also appreciate that you have made an effort to get good books fr her . I know reading books is so important and will help her learn good habits.  I remember going to the library as a kid, and that was lots of fun.  I mostly went for picture books, and never really grew out of that, so I'm glad Lila and I can read so many of them together these days.  Thanks for getting all of these books!  And thank you for encouraging me to spend time with Lila.  I really love her and want to make sure that I give her all the love and attention that she needs from her father to be successful and happy too.

I appreciate that you're focused on what is important for our family.  Thank you for the idea about not using computers at night until Lila goes to bed, or on Friday nights.  I know we don't always follow the idea fully, but when we do, I know we are blessed for it.  I love spending actual face to face time with you and our daughter.  You are an ideologue for marriage and family.  I know that I am lucky to have you for it.

I love that you are so well studied in the scriptures and words of the prophets, the words of life.  I can rely on you to find the right words, wisdom and counsel when our friends and family are in need.  For example, all the inspiring words you found for Mike when going through his divorce and on.  I adore that you are such a good person for people to turn to when they need strength.  You are a source of strength to so many people, and to me.  Lila and I (and all our children to come) are so lucky to have you in our lives.

I really feel that you carry 100% of your share of the weight in this marriage and that is why I honestly feel that we have the best love and the best relationship that there is.  I am so grateful for you and all that you do, and am so happy that we get to be together forever.

You are my greatest blessing,

Love, Jake

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