Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Ice, Ice Baby

Kalamazoo was hit with a big ice storm on Sunday evening (which is why Jake's meeting was cancelled).  Emily lost power at midnight.  It's a pretty hilarious story, actually.  She lost power and then her toilet overflowed.  She didn't have any candles--all she had was a small flashlight.  So she had to clean up the flooded bathroom with just the flashlight between her knees.  And then she couldn't have her fan on, which helps block her neighbor's snoring.  (A big, black man lives right next door... her apartment is in a big house from the 1860's, so poor insulation between apartments.)  So she had to sleep on her couch because the snoring was so loud.  And then she woke up in the morning (still no electricity) and couldn't open her car because it was frozen shut.  She called my mom crying because she was going to be late for school.  My mom then told her that school was closed, lol.  Mom and I thought it was a pretty funny story, anyway. :)

Around 39,000 people in the county are without power still.  Emily came over in the afternoon and spent the night.  We're guessing that her apartment is still without power, so she'll probably spend the night again.  Jake's office was closed so he worked from home.  He's not a big fan of that because we distract him.  He took several breaks to play with us, which was nice.

Lila had a good nap day.  Both of her naps were around an hour and a half long, which is unusual for her.

We did showers.  We tried setting Lila down in the bath but she freaked out.  Was arching her back and hitting her head on the tub.  I don't know what the deal is... she hates baths now unless we're holding her in the shower.  I wonder if she'll outgrow this.  We certainly can't be carrying her for much longer in the shower!  She's heavy!

It took Lila a little while to fall asleep, but she did it without nursing.  She moaned and talked to herself and eventually passed out laying on her tummy.  I read "The Age of Innocence" on Jake's iPhone while she did that.  We watched a few episodes of Parks and Rec (we're going to give that show a try).  Emily made some cookies.  We had an FHE lesson from the church handbook (per Jake's request).

Jake and I have been getting on each others' nerves lately! lol.  We're just bugging each other.  So we decided to call it a truce for this week.  Jake's obsessed with talking about things immediately as they happen, but it's just not helping anything right now, so I suggested that we just stop bringing up annoying things that the other is doing for the rest of the week.

1 comment:

  1. Poor Emily! I'd cry, too.

    Does Lila like the bath if you're in the bath with her? Or just showers? My girls have always loved baths, and I always bathed with them as babies. But now when Jane's alone in the bath (usually it's K & J now), she wants to get out unless I'm in the room. I'm not usually in there now...we'd need a bigger tub!

    I'm not a Parks & Rec fan.

    And I feel a little better knowing you and Jake get on each other's nerves sometimes. Tonight, I thought about giving Tyler a bad haircut if he asked me to give him one after I spent an hour getting the girls to settle down for bed. Lucky for him, he didn't have time for a hair cut before going to work. :)
