Monday, February 21, 2011

Lila's 11-month Stats, Rich the Realtor, the Roaring '20s

Tuesday night, Jake came home all excited because Josh Little referred him to a Realtor.  Talked really highly about him.  I was hesitant because we've spent a lot of time with Dawn and I really like her.  We were set to see 5 houses with Dawn on Wednesday night.  We debated for a while wondering if we should cancel with her or tell her, thought maybe she would want us to sign a buyers agreement with her that night.  But we decided to stick with it.

I was really hoping that one of those houses would be awesome, but I don't think any of them was "the one."  Jake seemed to be getting into it more, though.  That's a good thing.  We grabbed dinner after we were done and then headed home.

Thursday we spent at home, as usual.  Emailed back and forth with Mike a little bit.  He's worried about girl stuff, as usual.  We told him to calm down, as usual. :)  Also called a few banks to find out what their rates/fees were for mortgages.  Thursday night we watched The Office and Parks and Rec after Lila went to bed.

Friday afternoon Lila had her 9-month check-up (even though she's almost 11 months... Jake's Maestro insurance didn't kick in until February 15th).  Jake met us there.  We were there for almost 2 hours.  I'm so glad Jake was there--it was so nice having help!  Lila hates the doctor's.  She cries and cries.  The worst parts was when she got her measurements taken and when the doctor checked her ears.  Took her a while to calm down after that.  Her measurements -- she weighed around 27 1/2 pounds and was 31 inches tall, can't remember her head measurement off the top of my head, but she was above the 97th percentile in all categories.  Doctor didn't have much to say about her not eating food yet... so I still don't know where to stand on that issue.  Guess I'll do some more reading online.  He wanted to check her iron levels since she's not eating food, so we had to get her finger pricked and she didn't like that either.  So it was a long and pretty un-fun visit to the doctor's!

Jake worked from home after that, and at 4:45 we left to meet with Rich the Realtor.  Jake likes him a lot and wants to continue to work with him.  I still don't understand what Rich can do for us that Dawn can't... but if it helps Jake feel more comfortable buying a house, then that's ok.  We sent him the list of houses we've seen so far and what we liked/didn't like about them, and found 4-5 more to look at, and we'll do that with him on Thursday evening.

After that we went out for our traditional Valentine's Chinese dinner.  We ordered crab rangoon and what is essentially Filipino pancit and it was delish.  Lila did well at the restaurant.  Sucked on a few crackers and noodles, and a ton of food ended up on the floor underneath her chair.  It was a nice date and I'm glad we went.

After Lila went to bed, we watched The Illusionist.  It had come from Netflix.  Jake Googled it on the way home to find out more about it he'd never heard of it) and said that it was an animated movie!  I had sworn that it had Jessica Biel in it.  So we were bummed because we didn't want to watch a cartoon.  But when we got home I checked and it was the one with Jessica Biel. 

Saturday morning we went to the chapel for a little bit to clean; we had been assigned to do that.  The Bishop and his wife had gone early and spent 2 hours cleaning so there was barely anything to do when we got there!  That was pretty awesome.  We went to Kohl's after that to get some pants for Lila (she has outgrown her 18-month pants).  We picked up presents for Desiree and Annette's baby showers and a jacket for Jake too.

After Lila's morning nap we went grocery shopping.  Lila napped again and then Mike came over and we headed to Candace Laughead's 29th birthday party.  The theme was Roaring '20s.  We're not particularly close with the Laugheads, but I figured we'd better start going to more things or we're going to stop getting invitations.  We were the only ones there for a little while, but after a while there were a ton of people there.  So it was fun visiting.  Lila sucked on a cracker and a tortilla chip for a while, but didn't actually eat anything.  I'm glad we went.

Went home, got ready for church the next day.  Lila fell asleep pretty quickly.  I was so bored after she went to bed because Jake was doing work stuff.  I took a shower and Jake blow dried my hair for me. :)

Church went well.  It was our first normal Sunday in a while, because Lila was sick the past 3 weeks.  Lila did pretty well during Sacrament meeting.  She usually does.  She looked at books (she loves turning pages with her thumb--it's so cute--and looking at pictures).  I tried giving her some snacks but she was not interested.  Primary went well.  Jake had Lila the whole time, except for when she pooped and I changed her diaper in the full mother's room.  During Sacrament meeting, both Jake and I looked at all the babies and thought about how much we want another one.  I've had two periods so far since I started nursing, one in December and January, and after I got one in the beginning of February, we were going to start trying.  But, of course, I haven't gotten one this month yet (not pregnant).  So, we're just going to be patient and wait it out and trust in Heavenly Father's timing.  It will all work out when it's supposed to, just as it did with Lila.  And I'm still a little hesitant to get pregnant again because she's not eating yet.  So, this is fine.

She fell asleep on the way home, but woke up when we took her out of the car.  Jake was supposed to have meetings from 3-5 or 6, but they got canceled because of the weather.  We were happy about that!  We took a short nap with Lila.  She was really cranky and had a really hard time going down for naps yesterday.  Her tooth still hasn't come in and she's still sick.  Emily came over after that.  We Skyped with my parents.  Lila really loves doing that.  She gets excited to see the dog and she loves it when my dad sings to her.  Aunts Jackie and Gina stopped by for a little bit to see the baby.  Aunt Jackie and Haille had driven down for the weekend to visit Jenna at GVSU.  Jackie came down to see Gina (Haille stayed with Jenna).  That was nice.  After they left, Jake and I were pretty cranky for the next few hours.  Emily was getting on my nerves a bit and we were hungry and dinner took forever to cook.  We had Chinese tomatoes/eggs with rice... and Emily added too much water to the rice so it took a long time to cook, and Jake and I were impatient and hungry so we ate it before it had finished cooking, haha.  After Emily left, Jake and I decided to just not be crabby anymore, and even though we were a little bit cranky still, it was better.  Lila was asleep at around 8, which was good because she was so tired.

So we had a few hours to ourselves before bedtime, and we made it to be early (at around 10:30).  We were both pretty tired.  Jake's newest thing is studying from the new church handbook's section on the family.  He was advised to do it in a meeting.  So we've been doing that and he likes it.

1 comment:

  1. Jake wanting to use Rich the Realtor is totally something Tyler would do, too...being more interested in using him because he was recommended by a friend or co-worker. I feel badly about leaving realtors, too, but it's the nature of their work, so don't worry about Dawn too much.

    "Emailed back and forth with Mike a little bit. He's worried about girl stuff, as usual. We told him to calm down, as usual. :)" LOL.

    Sounds like an awful doctor's appt...sorry!

    We like The Illusionist!

    Good luck with you said, it'll work out when it's supposed to work out. Tyler & I were talking about #3 a few nights ago and I told him how I love the 2-year difference between Jane & Katie, especially at their current ages, but feel that I'll enjoy the next baby as a baby more with more of a space between Jane and him or her.

    I get super cranky when I'm hungry, too, and it's easy to take it out on siblings. :)
