Tuesday, February 15, 2011

My Valentiny

One of my nicknames for Lila is Tiny.  So yesterday I called her my Valentiny.

To celebrate, Jake got off of work a little early and got me a card.  Emily had come over when she was done with her lab practical for A&P.  Lila woke up from a nap when Jake got home.  We left shortly after for dinner with Brady and Kelsey; they picked us up and we drove to Great Lakes Shipping Co., their favorite restaurant.  It was our first time out without Lila since Maestro's Christmas party, and only our third time leaving her with a babysitter.  Dinner was great!  Lots of laughs, good company.  Jake and I got a few appetizers and split a burger.  Brady and Kelsey got their traditional (and favorite) chicken cordon bleu.  Talked a lot about them moving back.  Brady has applied to a lot of jobs in the area.  They're not very happy in Twin Falls and want to be back near family and friends, hopefully before August when they have baby #2.  Brady has a phone interview with Stryker on Wednesday, so Jake helped him prepare for that.  Kelsey's pretty sad and discouraged about their situation, so we're all going to keep praying for it to improve and for them to sell their townhome and to get a job here in Kalamazoo.

It was really nice being out without Lila!  She did great with Mike and Emily.  When we got back, Mike was making dessert and Lila was in her pajamas.  Kelsey's mom was watching Cooper and he was in bed already so they hung out with us.  Lila took a while to fall asleep... she's had a hard time this week, since she's been sick.  She passed out though, finally, and slept from 9:30-1am or a little later, which is pretty good for her, actually.

We were up till 1am talking with Brady and Kelsey.  Mike and Emily stayed a while too.  It was really nice to just sit and talk with people... especially Kelsey.  Especially because I'd been sick and stuck in the house the whole previous week.  Talked about babies and weight gain/loss and pregnancy, etc.  Talked about when they move back, how awesome it will be. :)  Parties in the backyard, trips to the beach, letting our kids play together.

Today was good.  I was definitely tired in the morning, but I've made it through the day just fine.  Lila got up at 8:30, went down for a short nap at 11:30.  We made it to Jake's office at 1 for lunch.  It was so nice to see him during the day.  It was our first time to see him at his new office.  We had sandwiches and leftovers for lunch.  Jake called Melissa to ask about mortgages.  He called a lender.  I went up to his office to see it (I like being able to picture where Jake spends most of his time).

After that, I picked up Emily and we drove to Richland so I could talk to the lender and get pre-approved.  It took a half over.  Lila slept for maybe 15 minutes of it; Emily stayed in the car with her (yay for Emily!).  So this is all becoming more real.  I'm very excited to see the houses tomorrow.  I really hope one of them works out.

Got home, tried to get Lila to nap but failed.  Jake got home at 5:30.  We had dinner, talked about the mortgage info and what we'd be able to afford.  I left for my 6:30 Primary meeting and to drop Emily and my library books off.  Jake stayed home with Lila and got ready for his 7:00 stake meeting.

It was the first time we'd met in maybe 3 weeks?  So it was good to meet!  I really like those women and I love my calling.  So Jake will be gone late, I'm sure.  They have pretty big/important business going on right now.  I really can't believe how busy we are... seems like there's rarely time to rest and relax.  I guess that's what the Sabbath is for, right?  Except I think this Sunday Jake has a lot of meetings...

Anyway, time to read my book now.  Life is good.

1 comment:

  1. Life does sound good. I'm so happy for you to have Kelsey nearby again...I hope that works out. I need a best friend desperately! Especially since Caroline & Michael have been gone to Utah for a few weeks, I've realized how much I depend upon her and miss her!

    Oh, I can't wait to see what kind of house you get! I might have already said this, but our fenced yard has been heaven. You can be cooking in the kitchen or sitting inside doing something while Lila's outside (I know it's sort of hard to think about when she's not as mobile as she will be soon!) and don't have to worry about her getting to the street or neighbor's yards. I highly recommend it!
