Monday, October 17, 2011

The Rest of the Weekend

Jake had a lot he wanted to do on Saturday... he replaced the front brakes in the 4Runner and mowed the lawn.  Took a long time.  He also watched Brody & Toby for a few hours while I was at my baby shower, and the kids had fun playing together.  In the evening he moved most of the stuff from what will be Lila's room to the downstairs office.

At 7:00, we had the Thompsons and Randalls over for our first gospel study group.  The topic was the Godhead.  It was a good discussion.  Started out a little weird though because we started talking about the sin against the holy Ghost, and Jake went off on that for a while. :)  He likes studying things like that.  But, it got back on track and we discussed basic things and how to teach them to our children and why that basic doctrine is important.  Our kids all played together which was nice, too.  Reid (12) and Mackenzie (5) were helpful with the toddlers.  Then we had leftover crepes. Yum.  They didn't leave till after 9:30.

Sunday was alright too.  Sacrament meeting was pretty entertaining.  The first speaker, Steven Siebers (YM President) gave the most entertaining talk on family history/temple work I've ever heard, and one of the most entertaining talks in general that I've heard in a while.  Good, too.  Jake took Lila out for the first half, so I got to pay attention.  Primary went well.  Nursery was alright for Lila.  She cried after Jake left her there at the beginning of 2nd hour, so I picked her up and we hung out in Nursery for a while, but I brought her back for snack time at the beginning of 3rd hour and she played happily for the next 40 minutes or so.  So, a little progress.  We missed the last two weeks, too, and there are new nursery leaders (who I really like!) so I think it'll just take a while to get into the swing of things.

Jake took a long nap after church, and then I got cranky so woke him up and got to take a short nap.  We took Lila for a long walk.  Sat by the trail head for a long time while she played with rocks and climbed onto the bench over and over.  Had Ovaltine when we got him.  Jake spent a long time talking to Mike on the phone about sealing cancellations and the doctrine behind that.  Mike and Cassandra are freaking out a little too much about it.  The paperwork should be in this week.  Kalina has agreed to write a letter by Tuesday.  She sent Mike an email with the link to the song "Someone Like You" by Adele.... what a doozy, that Kalina.  We have strong reason to believe that she moved out of the Bishop's mother-in-law's house and into an apartment with Corey (the guy she cheated on Mike with).  She told the Bishop it was her brother Caleb (from Escanaba), but the Bishop went to her apartment to talk with her and Corey's car was parked there.  Nice.

Anyway.  I think I've got Lila on a good schedule, for now anyway.  If I wait till 9:30 or 9:45 to put her to bed, she sleeps much better through the night.  So even though she was pretty tired before then, I wanted to wait.  So we sang songs and did our routine and played with her until then.  And then got into bed shortly after that and talked for a while in the dark.

Lila's been up since a little before 8 and she's now napping.  We spent the morning doing laundry, I took a shower, playing with toys and puzzles, coloring, having breakfast and lunch (she's not much of a breakfast person), and changing diapers.  I also taught her how to do ring around the rosie, and oh my goodness, it was adorable.  She is not a hand holder, so to have her little hands in mine as we spin in a circle is so great. :)  And she smiles the whole time.  And when she falls down at the end, she throws herself into my arms instead of falling on the ground.  Love that little girl.

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