Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Lila @ almost 19 months

I exclaimed, "Holy Cow!" and Lila (who is obsessed with cows), in reply, exclaimed, "Cowie! Moo!"

She still loves lotion.  She calls it "she-she."  She loves to have it dabbed onto her hands and she'll rub her hands together, and often rub it on her face too.  She like to put it on my belly and will often say, "I want she-she on bewwy."

When I have the computer open, she often asks to look at pictures of her cousins, Daddy, Nemmy, and Jared.  "Want pitchoo Daddy.  Want cousins.  Want Jawed."

She calls herself "Yiya."  Replaces the L's with Y's.  ADORABLE.  "That's Yiya's cup."

She really likes music and will often ask for "moo-kick/moo-keet" or for a "shongie."  She likes Regina Spektor (upbeat sons like On the Radio and The Calculation and Ingrid, and any kind of dance music).  She especially likes this kind of music in the car, and when a song she likes is coming to an end, she whines and twists her hands like she's trying to twist the knob on the radio, because she wants us to play it again.  If we're playing one of her favorite songs, she will usually sit very quietly the whole ride without whining or complaining.

She's really gotten into singing songs with us lately.  Her very favorite is Book of Mormon Stories still and she knows all the actions.  She likes Popcorn Popping, A Child's Prayer, I Love to See the Temple, the ABC's.  I taught her Ring Around the Rosie today and she loves that.  At the end, instead of falling to the ground, she jumps into my arms and gives me a hug.  She says, "I want ashes" when she wants to sing it.

She explains to me that "daddy work."  She gets excited when "daddy home."

Peek-a-boo is "peek-a-doo."

When she's hungry she usually asks for a popsicle (pock-ooh-doo).  Her favorite snacks right now are popsicles (I'll give her half of a pop ice), string cheese, pickles (she loves pickles! I buy the mini ones. She calls them "pee-koos"), raisins (maisins), Craisins (berries), fruit snacks (she calls them candy), licorice (shee-kish), and Danimals ("monkey moonies").  She also likes Daddy's green smoothies and Ovaltine.  She also drinks Juicy Juice but only from the juice box.

Her current favorite show is the Backyardigans.  For some reason she calls it the Birdy Show (I love how she says this, "Boo-dee Showie").  She usually watches an episode when she gets up in the morning, while she's having breakfast.  She's still not much of a breakfast eater.  She'll usually only tolerate a Danimal and a pop tart.

She's getting better at saying her "r's."  It is REALLY cute.  She can identify the shapes of hearts and stars.  She'll say, "Heaaarrrrrrrt.  Staaaarrrrr."  SO cute. 

On walks she'll see a mail box and say, "Mail time."  Because of Blue's Clues.

She likes walking with me on walks now instead of sitting in her stroller.  She likes finding acorns.

Something she says a lot lately is "Whoa!"  Like Joey from Blossom.  Whenever we give her something she likes to eat, she'll say, "Whoa!"

When she wants to hold hands (which is very, very rarely), she'll say, "Holdy handy."

People are impressed with how verbal she is.  She's saying 4- and 5- word sentences.  She has a huge vocabulary and copies almost anything we ask her to say.  She acquires language very quickly.

She says, "Trick or treat."

She can kind of count to 10.  She says, "Fwee, Four, Five, Sick, Seven, Nine, Fwee!"

She likes when I count to three and then throw her onto pillows.  She loves being tickled.  She says, "Teekoo Mama! Teekoo Yiya!"

She's wearing 2T clothes and size 5 1/2 shoes.  She loves clothes.  She giggles and smiles when we pick out clothes and I tell her what she can wear.  She likes shirts with butterflies and flowers.  "Fuf-fy sheet, flower sheet."  She likes talking about mine and Jake's clothes too.  She knows her white shoes and her brown shoes, and she loves wearing her Crocs around the house.

She loves jumping on beds and mattresses (we have some laying on the floor in the basement).  She loves being chased, when we say, "I'm gonna get you!"  ("Getchoo mama!")  Before bed she likes to run around in circles and say, "I deezy! I deezy!" (I'm dizzy!) and to "touch-a-wall" and "come on back."

Her sleep schedule right now is better than it has been for a while.  She doesn't go down till 9:30 or 10 but she sleep for 5-7 hours, wakes up and nursing for a bit, and then sleeps till 8 or a little before.  She takes one nap at around noon and sleeps for 90 minutes to 2 hours.

Something she says a lot is "Kalamazoo jia you!"  We don't know why she says the two together, but she always does, and it's really adorable and funny.  She can also say California ("califono") and Cassandra (cassanna).

She really likes her friend Brig (Briggy), Quay (Kiki), and Ella (Eya).  She likes Tessa too and always says "Want Tessa water."  Because they played in the bucket of water that one time.

When we go for walks she likes to walk next to me instead of sit in her stroller.  We don't get very far and it takes a long time, but she has a lot of fun.

She thinks a lot of things are "skee-wee."  She still hates it when we sing "Rockabye Baby", even though she'll start singing it and ask us to sing it.  She's been saying "cock-a-doo-doo-doo" a lot, and whenever we say it back, she crinkles her face and says, "Don't yike it."  She also doesn't like it when I wear zip-up sweatshirts and tells me to take it "offy."

1 comment:

  1. I love this post! You might not think it now, but you won't remember how she said things in the future. :)
