Friday, October 7, 2011

28w 1d - Gestational Diabetes

Tuesday morning, I went in for my glucose test.  It was at 8:30 in the morning and I had fasted for 10 hours as directed.  Jake happily stayed home with Lila and I wasn't looking forward to drinking the sugary syrup, but I was sure that I'd enjoy the few hours of alone time.  The appointment was at the testing center at the hospital.  I coincidentally saw my next-door neighbor Terie there.  She works in the OR.

Anyway, the way it's supposed to work is that they take your fasting glucose level, and if it's in the normal range, they will have you drink the glucose drink and then test your blood again in an hour, and then two hours after you drank it.  If your level is 95 or above, it's considered an elevated reading and you're considered to have gestational diabetes.

Well, I was sent home after the initial blood draw.  My sugar level was at either 97 or 99, I can't remember which.  The woman who drew my blood didn't tell me any of this information so I was kind of left hanging, but I found out today at my midwife appointment.

On Monday I'll be contacted by Maternal Fetal Medicine and I'll set up an appointment with a diabetes counselor.  I'll have to check my glucose levels for the rest of the pregnancy, and I may be able to manage my sugars just by watching what I eat.  If that doesn't work, I'll have to use insulin.  I will have to limit my sugar and carb intake, which I think will be pretty difficult... as those are my favorite things and the only things I seem to be craving these days.  :)  Oh well.  This is a chance to really focus on eating healthy.

My midwife (I met with Heather today) said that I may have been at least borderline diabetic when I was pregnant with Lila, because Lila was 8 1/2 lbs.  She said that if I carefully monitor my levels, this could mean a smaller baby to push out.  And a healthier baby.

She said that they definitely won't want me to go over my due date, and if my cervix looks favorable at the time, might induce me up to a week early.  She said that they're more likely to do that, especially around the holidays.  The past few months, I've thought about the possibility of being induced, and I've wanted to avoid it, just because I've heard awful stories.  But, one of our doctor friends at church told us that if you've already had a healthy delivery, you're a great candidate for an induction.  So, that's definitely something that could happen this time around.  We might have our baby home in time for Christmas!  And we'll definitely get a 2011 baby!  Jake will be thrilled.

So, that's the latest.  I'll find out more next week.  As soon as my appointment ended, I called Jake (who's on the Betzold Boy Annual Fishing Trip right now) and cried to him about it.  This isn't something I ever thought I'd have to deal with.  I know it could be a lot worse, but it's just something else to worry about.  I then called my mom, who helped me feel better about it.  I also talked to Alicia Thompson.  She had her baby girl in June, and had gestational diabetes with her, so she filled me in on what I can expect.  She said that I'll get extra ultrasounds to check his size, that I'll need to go in twice a week for non-stress tests, that definitely makes it a more expensive pregnancy, and that we'll have to stay in the hospital a full 24 hours after he's born to monitor his blood sugar levels every time he eats (I'd like to come home as soon as possible).  Fun, fun.  Praying for a healthy pregnancy and baby and delivery.

PS - I weighed around 129 lbs.

1 comment:

  1. Aw, yikes. I'm sorry, Rudi! I know what you mean about there are worse things, but anything extra at this point especially seems like quite a challenge. I'm glad you're looking on the bright side: healthier eating, 2011 baby...I hope everything goes well!
