Friday, October 21, 2011


I've taught Lila to cheer "Friday! Friday! Friday!" because I love Fridays so much.  The last day of what always feels like a very long week.  We love Fridays around here.

Yesterday was pretty good.  We had a 2 hour long Primary meeting at Marianne Loso's cute house.  Lila got to play with Tessa, Sophia, and Isabelle.  She rarely ever gets to play with other girls, so I was happy about that. :)  She did pretty well, though she had a tough time after 11:00, being hungry and getting closer to her nap time.  She kept bringing me her shoes and my shoes and trying to put them on so that we could leave.  The new Primary presidency is great--I think Sister Cammack is exactly what the Primary needs to get back in order.

Emily came over shortly after we got home.  Lila took a late-ish nap.  I had to wake her up in the morning to get to our 9:30 Primary meeting.  Just as she was waking up at 3:15, the power went out.  And it stayed out for at least 2 more hours.  So we met Jake at Culver's for a quick dinner, because he had his meeting at 6.  Emily, Lila, and I ended up being there for TWO hours because--I don't know how this happened--Jake ended up with both sets of keys.  I might have put them in his jacket pocket without thinking (I apparently did that this morning at our midwife appointment too!).  So we had to wait for Mike to bring them to us.  He met with President Witt at 5:30, but the meeting went long, and when he did get to Culver's, he told us about the meeting.  His paperwork for the sealing clearance/cancellation is completed now.  President Witt just had to write something up and then send it off to Salt Lake.  Kalina is pretty crazy.  I now have access to her Facebook account (she must have unblocked me or something) and is definitely still together with her boyfriend and definitely not wearing her garments.  Crazy.

After that, we headed to Target.  We bought Emily Betzold's presents.  Lori was (probably half-heartedly) planning on coming down for the weekend, but she called Wednesday night and said she wasn't going to make it.  So she asked me to pick out a cute outfit for Emily because she didn't trust Jim to do it well :)  Lila pooped at Target, of course... even though it was her 4th poop of the day.  That girl. 

The power was back on when we got home, thankfully.  It's a good thing we have a generator coming!  Jake's dad is bringing it this weekend (he'll get here tonight).  I can't imagine having the power go out in the winter with two kids at home now.  For days.  Anyway.  Emily left, I gave Lila a bath, and then we snuggled in bed while she watched the Backyardigans and I stressed out about paint colors for the kids' rooms.  I hate picking out paint colors!!  We'll see.  She didn't fall asleep until 11:00 (crazy!) and then Jake and I stayed up past midnight internet surfing.  I slept well last night, though.

This morning I had a midwife appointment at 8:45 and Jake was able to come.  Lila didn't like it, but it helped to have Jake (and his iPhone) there to distract/comfort her.  We talked more with the midwife (Heather) about inductions.  We won't get into specifics like scheduling or dates until the beginning of December, but it seems like a definitely possibility.  There are a lot of women who want to get induced that week, as you can imagine, but because I have a "medical" reason (diabetes), I would trump other women who want to be induced just because.  The only reason I'm considering/wanting to be induced is because of the holidays.  If I was having this baby at any other time of the year, I wouldn't care and I'd wait it out until I went into labor... but with all the holidays and the related craziness, I think it might be nice to have it scheduled and to have care for Lila set up ahead of time.  I think it'll help me not feel so crazy.  I'm measuring 30 weeks, as I should be.  The baby is head down.  I gained 2 pounds since my last appointment (as I should) and now weigh around 131.  If I gain a pound a week like I should this last trimester, I'll only get up to 140, which would be awesome... I was over 150 last time!

1 comment:

  1. I bet you there will always be a psychological connection with pooping and Target. She'll be 25 and have to do her business as soon as she shops there. Haha. I love the Friday thing. We don't have Fridays. Any day could be a Saturday, or we could go weeks without a Saturday...residency changes how the world works. :)

    So crazy that you're talking about inducing already! He'll be here before we know it!
