Friday, October 14, 2011

Sick Day & A Visit from Dad Betzold

Wednesday I didn't feel good all day.  I think Lila probably had a rough night the night before, and I was grumpy from not enough sleep.  I just couldn't get going.  So we stayed home and took it easy.  Jake did come home for lunch, which was nice.  A somewhat rare treat.  He had gone into work an hour early, thinking that they were leaving for Grand Rapids... he hadn't read the email from the night before saying the trip was canceled.  Lila spent the morning playing outside in the sunshine; going for a walk and swinging in the Caldwell's backyard and drawing with sidewalk chalk.  I needed to go grocery shopping, but I just didn't have it in me to go and to entertain Lila the whole time (I usually need to bribe her with snacks to stay in the cart and be a good girl).  I just felt so guilty though that I couldn't go.  But Jake was awesome and said he'd take Lila for the evening and I could go by myself.  He had some errands to run too, so they did that and I went to the store.  It was rough.  I was so sore by the end, I was waddling for sure.

We got home, got Lila ready for bed, and she was pretty stubborn, and then all of a sudden I got a horrible stomach ache.  I'm not sure what happened, if I ate something bad during the day or if it was pregnancy related.  But my stomach felt so tight, like one very long contraction, and I felt dizzy and lightheaded and smells were disgusting me and my mouth went dry.  Felt what I imagine morning sickness feels like.  So I laid down for a while while Jake put Lila to bed, and I eventually threw up a little bit and felt much better after that.  It was a long night though.  Jake did work from home Thursday morning so that I could sleep in till 9:30 and that was a HUGE HELP.  JAKE IS AMAZING.

Emily came over while Lila was napping.  She was also helpful and took Lila for a long walk.  At 2:30 Mike informed me that Dad was going to come visit us for a few hours that evening.  He (Dad) got off of work early, and since he's living in his truck (he sleeps in the back of the truck, doesn't want to "waste" his per diam on a hotel room!) and didn't have anything else to do, he drove over.  It was a really nice visit.  We haven't seen him (or Mom) since the 4th of July.  He updated us on what's going on with Dan (Dan's back to doing drugs, stressed out from school/money problems, etc, but they're trying to help him the best they can), gave him a tour of our house, and of course played with Lila.  He likes the paint colors we have in our kitchen and living room.  It was funny, he said that if I would've told him we were painting a light blue and a gray he would've thought it would look terrible, but he really likes it... says he just likes white because he can visualize white... he can't visualize other colors, etc.  I told him that's why there are women in the world.  Mike came over too.  Yes, he and Cassandra are engaged and are both very happy!  I think being engaged and officially committed to each other will smooth over a lot of the little things they've been letting get in the way.  They've started the paperwork to apply for a sealing clearance/cancellation.  They're hoping for a December wedding in Nauvoo.

Lila took a second nap before dinner, which she needed, but she didn't get back to bed till 11.  Jake and I were tired by the time we got to bed!   I love that guy.  He loves me a lot too.  The past few days he's been telling me how much he loves me and how great of a wife and mom he thinks I am and how happy he is with me.  He loves (and I do too) that our marriage causes him (and me) almost zero stress.  Life is so stressful as it is, especially with kids, that not having additional stress and pressure from our marriage is an incredible blessing.  We love each other a lot and really make each other happy.

Lila woke up screaming/crying at 5:00 this morning and didn't get back to sleep for quite some time.  It's like a tantrum type thing where she's crying and crying and can't stop and can't tell us what she wants and she doesn't want anything but she wants everything at the same time.  So that was fun.  She slept till 9 and then Becca Burkhead came over to visit for a while.  She and Joe just found out they're having a boy too, which is fun.  So we visited about pregnancy and baby stuff and I told her things I wish people would've told me before I had a baby... how hormonal the first ~6 weeks are, how crazy nursing hunger is, etc.  She has been thinking about taking a class that semester, and now she realizes how pretty crazy that would be!  She's due mid-February.  She can take the class Summer I and be done with it in like 6 weeks... so she'll probably do that instead.  I'm happy for her and Joe.  We went for a short walk with Lila, then she left to go to Institute.

Lila played all morning and afternoon pretty well, but when nap time came along, she freaked out again.  I tried putting her down at 1:30 (which is later than usual), but she wasn't tired yet, so we played some more, and by 2:15 she was having a crying/screaming fit again and it took her another half hour to calm down and fall asleep.  Oh boy.  Don't know what's going on with her... hope she's feeling okay.  So glad it's Friday.

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