Monday, October 17, 2011

29w 4d

I forgot to mention last night in my post how the pregnancy is going.  I'm still getting bigger every day it seems like.  Our full-length mirror broke a few months ago and I haven't gotten a replacement yet, so I don't really ever see myself until I'm in a public restroom or something, and then I always do a double take because I can't believe how huge I am!  I can see all the stretch marks from my last pregnancy, but they're not dark this time, they're faded.  I'll probably get new ones though. 

I'm feeling pretty good.  It's getting harder to move around sometimes, but generally feeling okay.  I'm still sleeping well at night--very well, actually--unless my little daughter wakes me up. :)  I know that I still have a while to go, though... so I'm preparing myself for a lot more discomfort.  Lila is wanting to be held and carried around a lot lately, so that gets pretty tiring, but so far I can still handle it. 

This little boy is moving around a lot.  Not a ridiculous amount, but still quite a bit.  He gives me some pretty strong kicks and jabs, I think stronger than Lila would give me.  So that's fun.  It's the best part about pregnancy, I think. 

Jake asked me the other night if I was running out of room (because it kind of looks like it).  Nope.  I know that I'm going to get way bigger.  This feels pretty manageable. 

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