Monday, October 10, 2011

Emily's Birthday Weekend

Well, we made it through another fishing trip weekend.  And I didn't even cry about it.  I am woman, hear me roar.  The boys left early Friday morning.  Lila and I kept busy during the day, with my midwife appointment and a playdate... finding out that I have Gestational Diabetes.  Lila didn't really get a nap because she fell asleep on the way home and woke up when we got home.  So we had quiet time in the afternoon.  We went for a walk.  Finally, after dinner, she had a meltdown, so she took a quick nap.  Emily arrived.  We went to the KUB.  Lila went to bed easily and I watched an episode of Parenthood (good show!) before falling asleep after midnight.

It was an early morning for Lila and I.  Early as in 8am, because Lila didn't go to bed till 10:30.  We Skyped with my parents while we waited for Emily (the birthday girl) to wake up... which wasn't till 10.  She's 22 now, the age I was when I had Lila, which is weird.  We played outside with Brody and Toby and visited with Terie.  Made a cake while Lila napped.

In the afternoon, we went for another nap and waited for Jake to get home.  I was so excited to see him.  I just missed him a lot.  Aunt Gina and my cousin Natalie Johnson (actually, she's my cousin's daughter) came over for Emily's birthday.  We visited for a bit and then Jake got home!  Yay!  We headed to Finley's for Emily's free birthday dinner.  Jake didn't get to stay long enough for food because he had a stake meeting at 6:30.  It was funny, he asked Lila what she did all weekend without him and she said, "Mommy... Nemmy... Gina."  lol.  After dinner, us girls headed to Aunt Gina's for cake/ice cream and presents.

I was so tired by the time we got Lila to bed (10:30 again) that we just fell into bed without getting to visit much. Lila was up crying from 4:30-5:30 so I rocked her to sleep like old times.  Jake tried getting up with her but she kept crying "Hold-ie Mommy!" and as soon as I took her in my arms she started falling asleep.

Church was alright.  We only stayed for sacrament meeting because both Jake and Lila were sicky-poohs.  The Primary presidency was released.  The new president is Laura Cammack, Judy Fowler is 1st counselor, and Marianne Loso is the 2nd counselor.  I'm relieved for Holly--she's due in 4 weeks :)

Lila took a good nap and Jake and I were able to catch up, until he fell asleep and was completely out for a while.  We read books with Lila when she got up.  Then played outside with her and Toby/Brody and visited with Terie.  Then took her on a walk.  I was feeling very pregnant and Jake was tired, but he was a trooper.  Came home, made dinner.  Sent Emily home (love the girl, but she spent the past 3 days with us) and Mike/Cassandra came over for dinner.  It looks like they're finally moving back in the direction of getting engaged, so that could happen sometime this month.  I think Cassandra is a good woman and that they'd be happy together.  They were here till almost 10, playing Euchre and laughing at how funny Lila is.  Jake had Lila run and "touch the wall" (she says that now) and then run back to him over and over to help her expend some energy.  She's a cute girl, that one.

Got her to bed and then Jake and I got in bed and talked for a while.  He's a good man.  Very committed to the Lord and to being obedient and faithful.  We like each other a lot.

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