Wednesday, October 5, 2011

General Conference Weekend

Sometime on Friday, Jake called to ask if I was interested in doing a gospel study group with the Randalls and Thompsons.  He'd been talking to Jen and she expressed interest in something of the sort, because she and Sean weren't raised in the church (they joined the church after they were married, I think).  Anyway... I don't know how/if it's going to happen, but the Thompsons came over regardless.  The Randalls were going to come, but the ended up not.  We had a nice visit with them and the kids liked playing.

We got up on Saturday morning early to go to a mom-to-mom sale.  It was our first time going to one and it was awesome!  I can't believe we haven't gone to one sooner.  We spent like... $85 and bought a bunch of stuff: snow pants for Lila, snow boots, a little playset/slide for the basement, a bumbo chair, swimsuits for Lila and Jared, shoes for Jared, dress clothes for Jared, a toy for Lila.  Probably some other things too.  Jake mowed the lawn that afternoon, Lila played outside with Toby and Brody, and we enjoyed General Conference in the meantime and had beef stew for dinner.  Jake painted the master bathroom for me--he's amazing.

During the Priesthood session, Emily and I took Lila to the KUB.  Emily basically spent the whole weekend at our place.  By Sunday we were pretty annoyed with her.  Oh well.  It was fun, the KUB.  I spent the whole time visiting with Christy Szekely and Lindsey Reyes.  Christy and I are due the same week with boys, and we hadn't seen each other since we were like 7 weeks along.  Lindsey recently told me that she's around 9 weeks pregnant but it isn't public information yet.  So we talked the whole time about pregnancy and babies.  Christy used to really get under my skin... she bugs a lot of people, but she didn't bug me that night.  She's had it pretty tough, I think.  Sean works either 3pm-3am or 7pm-7am and also has classes during the day, and she's had bad morning sickness.  And it will continue that way after she has the baby, and her family is in California.  So, I feel for her.

It was so great not having to get up for 9:00 church on Sunday. :)  Lila got up early, but we all went back to bed till like 11.  I did not feel well all day... felt like I was coming down with a cold.  And Jake wasn't being himself because he was getting annoyed with Emily, lol.  So, I tried enjoying General Conference and Lila was pretty good at keeping herself entertained, for the most part.  We did lots of coloring.  She liked sitting in the rocking chair and in the bowl chair, but certainly did not want to share those chairs with us.

We made a chicken BBQ sandwiches for dinner.  Jake had to leave for a business trip to Ohio at 7:00 so we said bye to Daddy (I hate doing that) and then sat by a campfire for a little bit with the Caldwells.  And then we (Emily and I) went inside and I gave Lila her very first haircut!  I've been wanting to do this for a few weeks, but a part of me didn't because she's my little baby.  But it was way too long and stringy and wild, looked very bad.  And with the humidity gone, it's not curling anymore.  So, off came a few inches and now she looks ADORABLE!  Really, really cute.  It was a lot easier and quicker than I thought it would be.  She asked for a piece of licorice ("shee-kish") and so I gave her one, she Skyped with Grandma and Grandpa and I was done in a few minutes.  Love it. It was a fun moment for me, and I wish Jake was there to have seen it, but there will be lots more haircuts that he can join us for.  My mom told us to save her hair clippings from her first haircut, because she did that for us.  I thought it was weird, but as soon as I saw the little blonde hairs I just knew I had to.  Someday she probably won't have blonde hair like this.

It was a long night.  We slept okay without Daddy home, but I missed him and woke up a lot, actually.  Monday we stayed home during the day and played.  But for dinner I took Lila to Fazoli's where we had a mommy/daughter date.  It was fun and Lila ate a ton, and I loved it.  I love my daughter.  She sat like a good girl the whole time.  Then she pooped.  So I thought that when we headed to Target, she'd be fine and wouldn't poop, but I was wrong.  She pooped within the first 5 minutes of being there. :)  I found a bunch of maternity stuff on Clearance and tried it on, and that took a long time, but I got a maternity swimsuit for $11 and a maternity sweater for $12.  And then we wandered around the store till Lila got cranky.  And then came home and played with the Caldwells until Daddy got home at 8:00.  He was so happy to see Lila and they played till bedtime.

Yesterday we played in the morning and while Lila napped I got dinner prepared--I made adobo.  Kate and baby George came over and we played in the front yard.  And then Jake came home.  And then Preston and Annette and baby Ruby came over for dinner.  And the Tensmeyers dropped Ella off for us to babysit for her date night.  It was a lot of fun!  Preston and Annette are hilarious.  Lila and Ella had a lot of fun playing together.  They played together almost the whole time, except for when they wanted snacks.  So Jake and I just got to sit and visit.  It was GREAT.  We have awesome friends.

Lila got to bed late and was up in the middle of the night because she peed out of her diaper... I didn't put it on well enough.  And then she was feeling sick (Jake and I are both feeling sick) so Jake rocked her to sleep in the rocking chair.  He said it was so sweet, just holding and cuddling with her.  She doesn't like to do that very often. 

So... life is good.  Busy.  Trying to get things done during the day when Lila's playing.  Taking time to play with her, help her feel loved and cared for.  This baby is coming in around 12 weeks.  Can't believe it.

1 comment:

  1. You do have awesome friends! Aren't you glad Emily's not living with you?! :) I cut Jane's bangs this morning, first haircut for her. She has had slow hair growth, and the back is nice and curly now, so I won't cut hers for awhile, I don't think. If Lila pees out of her diaper at night, try putting on a size larger than she usually wears. It works. 12 weeks sounds so short when you say it that way! :)
