Thursday, October 20, 2011

A Full Day

It's been raining for like 24 hours straight.  We've had a few low key days so far.  It's dark now shortly after Jake gets home from work, so we don't get to go out and play.  We've been playing with Lila in the basement.  I've been tired after dinner, so I get to lay down for a while and Lila has been pretty good at entertaining herself.  Jake's tired too.

Yesterday was a pretty full day for us.  We had lunch with Jake at his office, which is something I always love.  I think it'll be fun taking our two kiddos to see him.  Lila loved it too.  Especially playing with his iPad.  She climbs and descends the big staircase by herself and doesn't want any help at all.  She's just so cute.  Immediately after her nap, we brought Terie to the bus/train station downtown--she's visiting her parents up in Traverse City this weekend (the rest of her family will join her on Friday).  Desiree met us there and we took baby Jarom home with us; she had class and Tyler was working.  I guess they usually have someone else watch Jarom but all of their 5 people were busy.  She felt bad asking me and even asked how much she owed me for watching him.  I told her that I'm more than happy to help out... until we have our baby and then all bets are off. :)  It was fun having two kids for a while, good practice.  Jarom was a really good baby.  Lila did pretty well too!  Let me hold him and rock him uninterrupted for a while (the box of raisins she had kept her very happy).  She did get a little jealous and tried to butt in a few times, but overall it went well. 

There is so much to do before our Halloween party; it's a week from tomorrow.  I'm not really into the whole Halloween thing, but Alicia talked me into this party so now I have to force myself. :)  This weekend I need to make a shopping list, get decorations together (Kasey Hunt and Elizabeth Christensen volunteered some of their decorations), figure out what games we're going to play, etc.  I'm not going to stress out about it... I think it'll be fun to just get together with friends.  My favorite thing about parties is just chatting with other people.  That weekend will be packed.  I have a baby shower that Saturday morning, am taking Mike and Cassandra's engagement pictures, trunk-or-treat that night.  I'm tired just thinking about it. :)

1 comment:

  1. Good luck with your party; they're sort of a pain. :) If it's mostly adults, I'd focus on food instead of games. One fun game we played (maybe more "fun" if you drink) is you get a giant log and nail a nail just barely in the log (around the edge of the face of the cut log). Then each person takes a turn with a 2-lb hammer. They get one whack per turn, and whoever nails theirs all the way in first wins. :) You could paint the log to look like a pumpkin to make it more Halloweeny. Have fun! I hope you're doing potluck. I have some cute pins on my pinterest for Halloween foods!
