Monday, September 12, 2011


Lila's napping and I'm eating lunch.  It's nice to have quiet in the afternoon.  Last night before bed I prayed that Lila's sleeping would get better... that she wouldn't be awake for so long in the night, that she'd start sleeping in longer stretches again, etc.  I also prayed that the transition from one to two babies won't be as horrible as I'm imagining it will be and that we'll get through it by relying on each other and on Him.

Well, last night was a lot better than it has been.  She woke up a few times, but fell back asleep easily.  And she woke up at 7:15, which is way better than 5 or 6 or earlier.  Lately she's been going to bed at 9:30 or 10, so I knew that she'd go back down for at least an hour or two after Jake left for work, and she did.  She slept (and so did I!) from 8-10:20.  It felt amazing.  Jake likes to see her before he goes to work, so it was perfect timing.  I don't know if it'll continue like this, but I would sure love it if it did.  Last night before bed we all took a family walk, and let Lila walk and push the stroller for most of that walk to tire her out.  Maybe that worked!  She absolutely did not want us to help her push that stroller either, and would tell us "no" when we tried.  Funny girl.  We wonder what she'll be like when she's older. :)

Anyway, our weekend was good.  Did the farmer's market and Meijer on Saturday morning.  Mike and Emily came over that night.  Actually Emily went to Lansing for a fireside that started at 7.  Sister Barbara Thompson (one of the counselors in the general RS presidency) and a member of the Primary general presidency spoke.  Mike came over to talk about Cassandra.  Things aren't going as planned... in early August she told him to buy her a ring, and since then, she's become confused (again) and doesn't know what she wants now.  It's been a rough weekend for Mike.  They talked about it last night.  He's going to see where things are at the end of the week, and if she's still undecided, they'll probably break up, for now anyway.  Crazy.  It's brought up a lot of conversations about agency... she's confused about receiving revelation about it vs. making her own decisions.

I was dreading church again on Sunday morning.  It's just so hard to get through and 9:00 seems way too early.  Actually, it's only as we're getting ready and on the way there that I'm a little grumpy, but when we get there it's fine.  But, Jake was awesome and packed me a turkey sandwich, and that helped a lot.  Also, second and third hours were practice for the Primary program, so I got to sit and watch, mostly.  Lila did not want to be in Nursery.  Jake left her in there for like 15 minutes and she cried the whole time.  Sacrament meeting was good.  It's fun to snuggle and play with Lila.  She made it through the whole meeting eating snacks and coloring.

We all got naps after church yesterday, which also helped.  Jake had a stake disciplinary council from 4-7, but Emily came back after she was done with church, so I didn't have to be alone.  She actually spent Saturday night here.  We made potato soup for dinner, and Lila loved it!  I've been trying to do better with dinners lately.  Now that I have a child who actually likes to eat, I feel much more motivated to have better dinners and food available.  I can also see why people start buying in bulk once they have children... we go through a lot more food, even though she's only a toddler still.  We spent most of that time playing outside with Brody and Toby.

After we put Lila to bed, Jake and I sat down and planned out what we're going to talk about at our ward's Youth Standard's Night on Wednesday night.  We were asked to talk briefly about dating and sexual purity.  It will be difficult to be brief, but I think we'll do great.  We're going to talk about "our story," which will at least capture the attention of the Young Women.  And then I'm going to briefly discuss why we need to stay sexually pure (based on Elder Holland's talk "Personal Purity") and Jake is going to talk about pornography.  There will also be a panel discussion where the youth can ask questions.  Should be fun.  For people like Jake and I--who love to give advice and talk about ourselves--it will be fun. :)

Cute things from this weekend:

Jake almost fell off the bed last night after we prayed.  He went to lay down and said, "Woah!" as he almost rolled off.  It was funny.

He wanted to practice putting Lila's hair in pigtails this weekend.  Adorable.  Love him.

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