Sunday, September 25, 2011

Our Weekend (Jake's Birthday)

Fridays always seem kind of long to me, because I'm just so excited for Jake to get home and the weekend to start.  During the day, I taught Lila how to say "Friday!" and "Weekend!"  And we cheer those things together throughout the day.  She says, "Weekend Daddy!" because I tell her that we get to spend the weekend with Daddy.  We sure love that Daddy.

Friday morning at 10:00 we had Kari, Amber, Ann and their kids (all boys) over.  That was fun.  Except for I had an awful stiff neck, so was in quite a bit of pain, but the kids all had fun.  That was a nice way to pass the morning.  After Lila's nap, I laid in bed with her for a while and let her watch some cartoons on Netflix... because I couldn't keep my eyes open and fell asleep.  By the time I woke up, we started getting dinner ready.  That evening, Jake cleaned up the kitchen and took Lila for a bike ride so that I could rest, and by the time they got back, my stiff neck was almost all better, so I was grateful for that.  After Lila went to bed, Jake and I watched some TV shows on Hulu and then went to bed ourselves. But not till midnight.  Too late, as usual.

Saturday morning we went to the Farmer's Market, as usual, and also to Payless for some church shoes for Lila and to Kohl's to make some returns and spend our Kohl's cash.  Then it was a nap for Lila at home, and then we all went to Babies R Us and Target to register!  Alicia Thompson, Jen Randall, and Kasey Hunt are throwing me a baby shower on October 15th--really sweet of them.  And they sent out the Evite on Friday, where they posted that I was registered at those places, so that needed to get done ASAP.  It was fun.  Not as exciting or time consuming, as it was the first time around, but we haven't really done a lot of baby-related things yet, so it was fun to get back in that mode and be excited for the arrival of our little boy.  We also stopped at Meijer.  When we got home, I quickly got ready for the RS dinner preceding the General RS broadcast.  Emily and I went together, and it was nice to have a break and just talk and eat.  Visited with Annette Shumway.  She cracks me up.  She said that everytime Preston interacts with Jake or I, he tells her how awesome we are and that we really need to hang out more because time is running out (he's done with his residency in June, I think).  So they're coming over on Friday.  Sonja Staples was there--she got the Evite to my shower and she hadn't even known that I was pregnant! lol.  She's coming over this week too with her two youngest to see the house.

Emily and I left to watch the broadcast at home.  Lila had a blast playing with Daddy, taking a bath, going to Harding's to get some more groceries.  Even though Daddy forgot to feed her dinner :)  Bedtime didn't go very smoothly... she woke up not too long after she fell asleep, crying and wanting Mommy, so she slept with us.  She's still not feeling 100% better.  And I had Primary things to finish up (I procrastinated, of course).  So we all went to bed after 11:00 and got up at 7:30.

It's Jake's 28th birthday today!  Hooray, Jake!  To begin our celebration, I spilled some of my breakfast cereal on his iPad.  And he didn't even flinch, just cleaned it up and didn't say another word.  We do things like that now.  I... have to go help clean up the kitchen now.  More tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. I think Tyler & Jake were made in the same mold in the iPad-not-getting-mad respect. Thank heavens for wonderful husbands.
