Wednesday, September 28, 2011

FHE and Date Night

Jake's Family Home Evenings growing up were never very formal... like sit down for a lesson, etc.  But they did always spend time doing something together in the name of Family Home Evening, and they had Family Council every Sunday night.  Usually our Family Home Evening consists of going for walks, and we're really good at having nightly scripture study with Lila and prayers.  When we read with her, we read several verses and then explain the principles in them and bear our testimonies.  FHE is more about fun, right now anyway.  I do want to make sure we're teaching our children gospel principles regularly, not just once a week.  I just think it's important that when we do fun things together on Monday night, we call it Family Home Evening and make it something to look forward to.  So we'll see.

Anyway, so FHE we went for a family walk.  It was sunny and pretty nice out.  We let Lila scoot on her little tricycle and she had her cute helmet on.  She didn't get very far on the trike, but we did take the stroller too, so that helped. :)  We stopped at Frank and Kate's to drop off a Sweet Tango apple from Terie.  And then walked back home.

Yesterday we were supposed to watch Brig and Ella so their parents could go on dates.  But Alicia called in the morning to say that Derek had to work late and then had a church meeting, so she'd like to watch the kids instead.  (They only have one car, so she wouldn't have been able to go out on her own anyway.)  So, Jake and I got a date!  Lila did just fine... except for she fell off her chair at dinner and then cried until we got back. lol.  Poor girl.  I forgot to tell Alicia that her blankie and snacks were in her diaper bag--I think if she would've gotten a favorite snack or her blankie she would've calmed down.

Anyway, Jake and I drove around for a while deciding what to eat.  We ended up at Applebee's and it the food could've been better, but we had a nice time talking and just sitting there.  And then we went to the mall.  I had a $10 off coupon for JC Penney and I wanted to buy some maternity jeans (the ones I bought when I was pregnant with Lila shrunk (way too short).  So I tried a bunch on and in the end decided on a pair that was priced at $36, but with the coupon would've been $26.  We get to the register, and the cashier's like, "Wow! These are on clearance and are $7!" So we went back to find another pair, and did (probably the last two pairs) and got them both for $4!  Muahahaha.  We were really excited about that.  Jake and I like saving money.  But it was a true blessing because they weren't even on a clearance rack or marked on sale or anything.  Jake said, "Jared is like a miracle baby."  And I said, "Yeah, maybe he'll be born on Christmas."

So when we picked Lila up, she was crying, but we gave her and her friends some snacks and she calmed down very quickly.  And then we stayed till past 10:00pm visiting with the Thompsons and Tensmeyers.  That was fun.  Jake and I are going to have a Halloween party--Alicia told us we should. (She would totally host it but doesn't have a house.)  It'll be the first party ever that we've thrown, and our friends here from church are way into parties.  So it should be fun.  Hopefully not too much work.  :)

Lila didn't get to bed till 11 so she slept till 10 this morning.  Jake and I went to bed late again.  We're both tired.  She's napping now.

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