Thursday, September 8, 2011

Our Week So Far

Lila is throwing dried beans all over the living room and laughing.  Big mess.  Cute girl.  Oh well.  Last night we babysat Brig Thompson and Ella Tensmeyer.  Us three families are doing a babysitting swap, so two weeks every month, Jake and I will get to go on a date!  Pretty cool.  Neither Alicia or Holly went on a date last night--their husbands were busy--but it gave them some time off, so that's still nice.  It wasn't bad at all. We spent most of the time playing outside with bikes and running around the backyard (the kids and Jake did, not me, that's for sure).  Then we came inside for a snack and then they played with the box of beans.  Brig was throwing them all over the place and having a blast, and the girls were sitting playing nicely and quietly.  I thought, "This will be interesting... having a boy."  And then Lila started throwing them, though not as far or violently, lol.

Ok, now we're in the basement.  Lila's jumping on our little trampoline and watching a PBS show.  We got all ready to go for a walk to see the "cows" (which are actually horses), and then I looked out the window and saw that it's raining.  Bummer.  Earlier this week, I took Lila for walks there and she walked up and down most of the trail.  I did end up having to carry her most of the way back, but it was good exercise for the both of us, and consequently she took good naps.  While we're walking on the trail, Lila goes on and on about cows and moo and flowers.  She's a cute kid.

We've had a pretty laid back week.  It's been kind of depressing I guess to go back to the old grind, not having visitors here.  And the weather has suddenly gotten so much cooler.  It's nice.  It feels like fall!  And that's fun.  Sunday and Monday nights, we had a bon fire at Terie and Steve's house.  Made s'mores and hot dogs and the kids got to play around.  Sunday, Jake had mentioned that he served a 2 year mission in Taiwan, so on Monday Terie started asking us all about the church.  So we talked about the restoration, the first vision, eternal families, etc.  It was really good.  She kept asking us if it was making us uncomfortable, and we're like, "Uhh, no.  Mormons love talking about this stuff."  She said that everything we said seemed to kind of line up or at least fit in with what she personally believed... she isn't a part of any religion right now, but things that she's said in the past make it clear that she is looking and that she believes strongly in God.  So, we'll see where this goes.  It's pretty neat, and we love having them as neighbors.

Oh, so Monday was Labor Day.  It was nice having Jake home for an extra day.  We had a lot planned, but didn't get to everything we'd wanted to.  Jake did mow the lawn in the morning while I took Lila for a walk to see the horses.  By the time Lila and I got back, he had finished the lawn, which is great.  We love that lawn mower!  Lila took a long nap (3+ hours), Jake and I bummed around instead of doing chores... then we went to Menards where it took him forever to pick out some lawn and garden items and where Lila was fascinated with the Halloween decorations... then to Pizza Hut to pick up a pizza.

Now it's 10:14 pm.  Jake's at his meeting.  Lila's sleeping.  Emily just left for Battle Creek.  It's been a pretty good day.  Lila and I slept till 9 (but we were up from 5:30-7 or something), played in the house this morning since it was raining, went to Kohl's with Emily where we found Lila some REAL pants, not just leggings or sweatpants.  I'm very excited about this.  What's funny is that they're size 18mo.  I tried putting her in the exact same pants this spring, size 2T, but her thighs were too chubby and the pants wouldn't fit over them. lol.  But she's definitely slimming down.  It's funny that she's wearing the size appropriate for her age... that hasn't happened since she was less than a month old!

We got home, made a quick dinner for Jake before he had to leave for his meeting.  I'm bummed because he can't come to the midwife appointment tomorrow morning.  Oh well.  This is the first one he'll have ever missed!  Took Lila outside to play and to go for a short walk after dinner because it wasn't raining.  Emily gave her a bath (she loves giving Lila baths).  We danced around with Lila, she likes to try to jump.  Fed her some yogurt, and she actually ate it... because I mixed in a little powdered sugar to make it sweeter.  She's so much fun right now.  Always talking up a storm, always has something to say, and usually sounds very urgent and serious.  She's goofy too though, loves to play with Daddy and loves being tickled.  She's such a good girl.  She got worried when I left the fitting room at Kohl's today, I left her with Nemmy.  Em said she kept saying, "Mommy coming?  Mommy coming?"

Yesterday morning I went to Tyler and Desiree's to pick up baby boy clothes.  I got a TON of stuff--a whole garbage bag full of clothes and a few blankets.  I have a ton of 0-3 month stuff... Lila grew out of that size very quickly, I think by the time she was a month old, so we'll see how long Jared is in it.  And I got a bunch of 3-6 month too, so I won't have to buy very much for a while.  And I don't want to buy too much in advance, because I don't know what size he'll be at what time of year.  But, this is a big help.  She even gave me the baby swing, Kari's old one, that Lila used when she was a baby.  After that we got to have lunch with Jake, which was nice.

Anyway.  I guess that's all.  Things are going well.  Just tired lately and really looking forward to the weekend.

1 comment:

  1. Cool, babysitting swap. And cool that you can share the Gospel with Terie. My girls love the Menard's Halloween and Christmas displays, too.
