Had a midwife appointment this morning. We were late. Had to wake Lila up at almost 9 because she was still sleeping. Because she was up from 6-7:30. She was subsequently tired and emotional during my appointment, but it wasn't terrible. She just cried and didn't want me to let her down, so I held her the whole time. Heard the heartbeat and my fundal height was "perfect." I weighed 122. When I was this far along with Lila, I weighed 130, so I'm still dong pretty well. I think the slower weight gain is making a huge difference in how I feel. So I suspect that I won't be nearly as big at the end... well, the rest of my body... my tummy is huge already, so I think my tummy will be quite large at the end.
He's definitely starting to kick and move around harder. I still can't decipher body parts, but I think that he's head down, because I'm feeling kicks higher up now. Lots of punching low down too. But it's not constant and my belly isn't rolling around yet. I can see movements from the outside now, which is fun.
I'm feeling really good. I'm tired, but that's because Lila's been up a lot at night lately. I think it's her teeth still. We have a few good days and then a few bad days. But if it wasn't for Lila, I think I'd be feeling AWESOME. I think our bed (a tempurpedic) is sooo comfortable and I'm not sore at all. Hopefully that continues!
Time to change a poopy diaper.
I'm glad thing are going so well!