Monday, September 5, 2011

parents visit continued

Thursday was Emily's first day of dental hygiene school.  In the afternoon, we drove to Battle Creek to visit her.  We went to her house for a while, Mom helped her finish unpacking.  Then we stopped at her school so that my mom could see it.  Saw the dental clinic.  Jake was home when we got back and we got to spend a bit of time with him before he left for his long meeting.  I waited for him to go to bed, so we didn't get to sleep till after midnight.  It was an awful night of sleep... Lila was up from 3-5am. Screaming.  I was able to sleep in until 10 the next morning because my parents were here to watch Lila.  Thankfully.

On Thursday, Jake took the 4-Runner to the Toyota dealership to have a bearing replaced.  It cost around $550.  The mechanic tried to trick him out of more money.  He was pretty mad about that.  And, it didn't fix the weird noise and vibrating that was happening with the 4Runner.  So he spent a lot of time trying to figure that out.

On Friday, went to put lila down for nap at 11:15, she was really tired.  As I was about to leave to pick up Jake so we could take his car to Muffler Man, she woke up.  Grr.  So I just left her with mom and and figured/hoped she would nap when I got back.  Then the car wouldn't start and I cried because I just wanted to see Jake and I was really tired.  It worked out, though.  Got it started, picked Jake up, got things taken care of.  Jake wanted them to have the U-Joint replaced, but the mechanics said that they were 90% sure that wasn't the problem.  So instead, Jake had them replace the muffler, which needed to be done anyway.  I talked to Mike while Jake was in the shop.  He's having Cassandra problems, as always... but he was on his way to Toronto for the long weekend.

Lila napped well later that day.  Jake got home and immediately started testing different things on the 4-Runner to figure out what was really wrong, and it ended up definitely being the U-Joint.  Aunt Gina came to visit for a while.  Kate Whitaker stopped by and we visited with her too.  

Friday night we slept very well.  Well, Lila did.  I was still up a lot, but got some good rest.   On Saturday morning, Jake and I dropped off his car (again) at Muffler Man so that they could fix the U-Joint, left Lila with Mom and Dad.  Then he and I cleaned at church for a while--we switched weeks with Sean Randall--picked the easiest job (trash cans).  Then went to lowe's for paint, then picked up (free) donuts for my parents.  We took Dad and Lila to the farmer's market and had pulled pork.  Mom and Em went to Kohl's.  Jake and I got to cuddle while Lila took a nap, watched Mad Men.  They took Lila to the mall in the afternoon so Jake and I could start painting our room.  It would've gone much smoother if would've started earlier in the day.  We were tired.  Jake spilled paint a few times.  We went against "the plan" and he was frustrated about that eventually.  ("The plan" is to do all of the edging first and then do the rolling, to make sure that we get everything done that we need to.)  But, it all got done.  Lila went to bed in her own room.  She's still been sleeping with us, but with the painting we needed to finish up, we put her in her own room and she slept great.  She was up again for 2 hours in the middle of the night, and I don't know what that's all about.  After I gave her some food she fell asleep, so maybe she was hungry.

Lila did great with my parents and Emily, loved them and didn't get nervous around them.  She still loved to see me after we were apart.  I've never spent so much time away from her.  It's good for her though, and it's good for me.  Good for me to let go just a little bit, and let her be okay with other people.

My parents left Sunday morning at around 10:00.  Lila slept till 8:30 (she had been up again in the middle of the night).  We had church at 9:00 so it was a quick goodbye.  My mom cried, said she loved Lila so much.  She's going to miss her.  I cried on the way to church.  I was so tired and didn't feel well, and was sad that my parents were leaving.  I was also really not looking forward to church.  As it was when I was pregnant with Lila, church is difficult.  Especially in Primary.  I need to have a better attitude about it, but it's just so exhausting.  Jake took Lila to Nursery for a while.  He was in there the whole time, but she freaked out after a while, especially because I was holding another little boy.

Got home.  Took naps.  Took Lila for a walk, ran into Kate who was walking George, so we all walked together.  Visited with Justin and his son Cameron across the street.  Had dinner.  And then we went to a bonfire at Terie and Steve's next door.  Lila loved playing around with the boys and had her first s'more.  It was a cool night, perfect for a fire. 

1 comment:

  1. Your date sounds like Tyler & my dates. So exciting. I concur with eating out not being fun. When Katie was little, we used to always go out to eat with my Dad when he'd come visit us, and now my siblings complain because I never want to go out to eat unless it's at like 4 p.m. because or else it's not worth it. :)

    Frustrating having car problems! And Lila waking up at night. I hope things get better on both fronts!
