Tuesday, September 20, 2011

A Good Sunday and a lame-ish Monday (25w 5d)

We all woke up by 7:30, but we were still late for church.  Jake brought up the tub of 12-24 mo. clothes from storage to find some tights for Lila, and we discovered that she fits in a lot of the 24 mo. clothes still that I thought she'd outgrown.  Because now she isn't nearly as chubby, and they'll fit over her tummy.  Hehe.  It's so funny to me that she'll be able to wear a lot of the clothes this fall/winter that she was wearing last fall/winter.  Brings back a lot of memories to look through them, and I thought we had tucked them away forever.

Lila played well in Nursery during 2nd hour, but Jake was there the whole time, and she cried when he did eventually leave.  We had to do the youth panel discussion during 3rd hour, but we ended up taking her and she did just fine, snacking on fruit snacks and granola bars.  The discussion went well.  I sure love the youth.  It wasn't so long ago that I was one myself.  One of the comments we made as a panel was that life is so much easier after high school.  I mean, it's harder in a lot of ways (a lot more responsibilities, a lot of sacrifice), but so much easier too.

She fell asleep on the way home from church, which was great, because we only stopped at home to change and grab lunch before heading to Holland to visit Jim.  She slept the whole way there, which was also awesome.  Jake and I were both tired.  And he broke his (very cheap) sunglasses in half just by opening them, so we had a good laugh about that.  It was a nice visit with Jim and his family.  Emily was sick (coughing) and had stayed home from church, so Jake and I were a little annoyed that they hadn't rescheduled, but whatever.  We had a very delicious lunch and went to the park to play.  Emily pushed Lila in a baby swing almost the whole time.  On a regular swing, Lila gets scared very easily if we push her even a tiny bit high, but she was having a blast on this swing.  Laughing and saying "Whoa!" and "Wee!"  So that was fun.

We left at around 6.  Jim and Angela were watching a movie, so we fed Lila some dinner and then hit the road.  Lila fell asleep on the way home, so got an extra nap, which meant that she went to bed an hour later... so not till around 10:30.  Mike came over to get a blessing from Jake and to tell us about his weekend with Cassandra.  They're still dating but he's now not convinced that she's "the one."  So, more drama, but it's okay.  We ended up going to bed after midnight, not good.

Yesterday we laid low most of the day, but did manage to make a big grocery shopping trip after Lila's nap.  Now that Lila's eating, it's become a lot more important to me to have the house well-stocked with food and to have a good dinner (almost) every night.  So I've been doing a lot better with that.  Before, when it was just Jake and I eating, it wasn't that big of a deal to me... because Jake seems pretty indifferent about food and what I make.  It's never a big deal to him, so it's not a big deal to me.  (He doesn't get excited about good food, really.)  But it's a big deal to Lila and it's important that she gets good food in her belly.  We're all happier that way.  I've been making a lot of soups, pastas, and casseroles because she usually eats those pretty well, and will eat the vegetables in them. 

We had dinner together.  Jake got home right at 5:30, which was nice.  He called me during the day to chat too because he had to drive downtown and back, and that was also nice.  Good to talk during the day.  We videochatted with his dad after dinner and then right after that, at around 7:30 or 8:00, he went to bed.  And I was up with Lila till 10:30.  She was pretty miserable.  Crying and fighting bedtime.  I finally lured her into bed by watching Blue's Clues there, and after that she did fall asleep and slept very well.  But was up at 7:30am.  I think I'll take her to the library after her nap.  She's still under the weather, but it will be good to get out and do something.  It's a beautiful sunny day out too, which also makes a difference.

As of today, there are 100 days till my due date!!  It's coming!  He's coming!  I'm really excited to meet him.  He's kicking more, but I seem to remember Lila being more active.  Who knows.  Maybe it's just that I'm not sitting around as much as I was with Lila, so I don't notice it as much. 

Hmm... what else.  The other day, Jake and I were talking about our family, and he said that he feels a lot of "pressure" from me to spend his extra time at home, with Lila and I.  I thought it was interesting that he used the word pressure... because I know that it sometimes feels like I put some pressure on him.  He didn't mean it in a negative way, because he continued to say that he's so grateful that I put an emphasis on that because it blesses his own life and our whole family a lot.  To have a very strong, influential, righteous, and loving husband/father in our home makes a huge difference.  And Lila and our other children will have lots of good memories with him, and will have strong relationships with him.  I feel like that is so important.  He said that his dad was like that too... when Jake and his siblings were growing up, Dad didn't have hobbies that took him outside of the home.  I really appreciate that example.  I know that it's important for me to get out of the house and away from Lila once in a while, but it's maybe once a month that I feel that way, and it's only for a few hours.  But what makes me the happiest is to be at home with my family.

A quote that I sent to Mike today (he returned the engagement ring yesterday, but is still dating Cassandra, who still seems to want marriage, but not willing to commit or actually move forward with it).  By Elder Holland (I love Elder Holland) --

To give ourselves totally to another person, as we do in marriage, is the most trusting step we take in any human relationship.  It is a real act of faith--faith all of us must be willing to exercise.  If we do it right, we end up sharing everything--all our hopes, all our fears, all our dreams, all our weaknesses, and all our joys--with another person.  No serious courtship or engagement is worth the name if we do not fully invest all that we have in it and in so doing trust ourselves totally to the one we love.  You cannot succeed in love if you keep one foot out on the bank for safety's sake.  The very nature of the endeavor requires that you hold on to each other as tightly as you can and jump in the pool together.

That's exactly what it felt like when Jake and I got engaged... that we were holding on to each other tightly and jumping into the pool together. :)

1 comment:

  1. I like that quote. And I think Tyler & my relationship is the same, I "pressure" him to be at home as much as possible. Which will someday be more. My parents never had outside hobbies, either. Or even went on date nights or anything. They just put us to bed early. :)
