Thursday, September 29, 2011

Dinner at Alicia's

After Lila's nap, we went to Alicia's house to play with Brig.  She had also invited us to stay for dinner with the missionaries.  Brig and Lila play really well together; it's cute.  They play in the little cardboard box house.  There's some drama among members in our ward--Jessica Wesel and Alicia--because Jessica wants to throw Holly a baby shower, but Alicia didn't want to combine the showers because invites had already gone out, and a few other reasons.  Alicia also doesn't want to be known as the girl who throws everyone a shower, and Holly is having another girl, and the other pregnant women in the ward (there are quite a few) are having "repeat" genders.  Alicia thinks that Jessica is mostly making a big deal out of it because she (Jessica) wants a baby shower for herself, even though she's having her third boy.

Anyway.  I don't like drama and I'm going to try to stay out of it as much as possible. :)

Dinner was nice.  Jake came straight from work.  We had a nice visit.  Came home.  Jake was really tired.    But he stayed up till 10:30.  And Lila didn't get to bed till 11:30.  Yikes.  I was tired.

I made sure she got up not too late this morning, 8:30.  We had a Primary meeting at church at 10:00. Lila got to happily run around with her little friends Tessa and Ella.  And then we met Jake at Culver's for lunch.  And now Lila's napping, and Emily and I are watching Obsessed on Netflix in the basement.

1 comment:

  1. I dislike ward drama, also. But I do think it's weird to have baby showers for people having their second. If it's the first of a gender, I understand, but still. I'm not a fan.
