Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Jake's Birthday continued...

To continue where I left off... I was going to toot my own horn and say that when Jake spilled paint on our carpet, I didn't even flinch either, didn't say anything about it, just shrugged it off and hoped that it would come out (it did).  We're getting better.  Not perfect, but better.

The Primary Program went well.  Kids were cute.  We sat all the way in the back, and Lila did great the whole time.  She usually sits very well in our laps until after the sacrament.  She likes to eat the sacrament bread, and this time she said "Water" after she took the bread, because she knew the water was coming next.  But she just hasn't figured out how to drink the water out of that little cup yet. :)  We sat next to a family with some girls who had flowers in their hair and Lila said, "A flower!" and the mom was so impressed with how smart she was. :)  Lila colored and ate snacks the rest of the hour.

Then, we tried Nursery.  The first hour or so didn't go so well.  She was clingy and didn't want me to leave.  When I did leave, she didn't last 5 minutes before they brought her out, crying.  So we took a little break and then tried again.  Jake brought her in this time, and oh my goodness was she excited about snack time.  I don't think she's ever been in there for snack time.  He left, and she was just fine.  But 5 minutes later, they brought her to me because she had a poopy diaper, she wasn't crying or anything.  And the whole time I changed her diaper, all she could say was "Snack! Nursery!"  So I brought her back, and she was a little nervous for me to leave, and had finished her snack, so she just hopped around the little carpet squares they use for singing time and I snuck out.  And she lasted the rest of the hour just fine :)  I'm so proud!  I asked Annette how she did during singing time, and Annette said she did great, that you couldn't even tell it she was a newbie.  I'm so proud.  I should've known--snacks and singing are two of her favorite things, so I'll have to remind her of that next time.

Primary was nice because we let the kids watch a movie and have a special snack to "celebrate" their good job in the Program.  So the leaders/teachers got to sit, snack, and visit too, which was a nice break.

After church, Lila took a (short) nap while Jake and I had some lunch.  After Lila woke up and had lunch, she started to act tired again, so I laid down with her hoping that she'd fall asleep again, but she didn't.  But I did.  Couldn't keep my eyes open and couldn't move my body, so I slept.  Emily was over, so I told Jake that he could lay down too if he was tired and Em could watch Lila, but he didn't want a nap.  So while I was sleeping, he and Emily made a chocolate cake from scratch.  So the joke is that I took a nap on Jake's birthday while he made his own cake. :)  He's a good guy.

Jim, Angela, and Emily came over to celebrate, which was really nice of them.  They hadn't seen our house since we didn't any painting.  Lila loves playing with cousin Emily too.  The cake was really good.  Terie, Brody, and Toby came over for that.

After they left, we sat around the table talking about Sarah (ex-wife) and Emily and how frustrating it is for Jim sometimes.  Sarah... is just not meeting Emily's needs.  And last night, Jake and I were talking about how a lot of Emily's needs are not being met by either parent.  Angela and Jim are good at meeting her physical needs--they provide a much more stable home environment than she's ever had before.  Angela said that one day recently, Emily was playing house, and Emily introduced her to her "two sons from her first marriage and her one child from her second marriage."  And Angela asked her about that and Emily said, "Well, my first husband wasn't the right one and didn't listen to me and we didn't communicate, but my second husband is the right one."  And later asked, "Aren't you supposed to get married twice?"  And Angela and Jim kind of laughed about it, but if my child was asking that, it would be sending up all kinds of red flags and I would be so vigilant in trying to teach them correct principles about marriage and families.

I feel really grateful that Jake and I are on the same page and are both committed to teaching our children the gospel.  I feel like we have the same mind and heart about it--unity.  We talked on Monday night about it.  I told him that I want our children to really feel and see the love that we have for the gospel, for the scriptures, for prayer.  I asked him if he could feel and see that in his own parents, specifically for his dad... and he said that it wasn't quite like that.  His dad and I guess his mom too were very much about duty--they taught their children and especially their sons about duty.  They were both converts to the gospel, and they decided together that they were going to fully commit to the gospel: they were going to church every Sunday, they would pay tithing, they would serve in whatever capacity asked of them, etc.  And we're so grateful for their sacrifices and examples.  And we know that every generation has the potential to be better... so we will do better than our parents, and hope that our children will be better than we are.

Anyway.  Just really grateful for Jake and to have him as a partner.  Happy birthday to Jake.

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