Thursday, September 22, 2011

26 weeks today - Lila's 18 month birthday

Lila is 18 months old today!  Time is flying.  Can't believe it's already been 6 months since her birthday, and a whole year since she was 6 months old.  Before you know it she'll be 2.  Her present to herself, and also to me, was to go down for a second nap. :)  Her normal nap at noon didn't last too long, a little over an hour, so I'm really glad she went down again.  Especially because she didn't get to bed till 11pm last night.

I am 26 weeks today.  Time is flying.  We still have 3 months to go, but I think it'll happen so quickly.  The baby has started moving a lot more the past few days.  Out of the corner of my eye, sometimes I see my belly popping up where he's kicking.  He's kicking more often too.

Found out today that Emily has December 15-January 16 off of school!  That's AMAZING.  I was thinking she'd probably have to go back shortly after New Years, but YAY.  She'll definitely be available to watch Lila when we're at the hospital with Jared... if my parents are also here during that time, it's not that big of a deal, but this baby could technically come before or after the holidays.  I feel really relieved about that--I'd been pretty worried about how that would all work.  She might go home for a week or so during that time, but if Jake is home from work, that shouldn't be too bad.  It would be great to have her help those first few weeks.

I've just spent the past half hour reading through posts on this blog.  About a family who lost their first (and only) daughter to cancer when she was 11 months old.  I've been sitting here crying, feeling heartbroken for them, and feeling so grateful for my sweet Lila.  I'm going to smother her with kisses when she wakes up.  I am so blessed to have her.

1 comment:

  1. I know how you feel. I was furious with Tyler last night because he was leaving for a not-totally-necessary trip to Ohio today, after using his day off on Monday to interview, then having 48 hours of work in 4 days (plus most of the days sleeping)...and then I started thinking about what if he never came back, how would I feel. It's so hard that people have to deal with hard situations, but as long as you take every moment (like I know you do) and show your love, you won't have any regrets should something tragic happen.

    Congrats on the milestones for you and Lila! Your pregnancy is going super fast for me. :)
