Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Yesterday Lila and I stayed home.  She's catching a cold or something and was pretty cranky all day.  Took a long nap in the afternoon and a short nap before dinner.  Did some cleaning, reading, etc.  Mike called and told me about the talk he had with Cassandra the previous night, about her past serious relationships.  She talked about how when she dates someone there's a stage where she's deciding to see if she wants to be more serious with them.  Jake came home for dinner (shepherd's pie) and we got to relax a little bit before he had to leave for his meeting.  Lila and I played in my room until bed time, she was up till almost 9 (because of the time change).  I cleaned up after that and talked with Mike until Jake got home.  Mike finally got new couches; I think he and Kalina sold their old ones like 9 months ago.  Jake and I were up past midnight and up early this morning.  Lila's still sick.  She munched on a cookie and some Cheez-Its this morning, but a little after 10 she got super cranky and tired so she's napping already.  We have our home inspection today at 4:00.  I might start some packing today, maybe have Emily over.  It's supposed to get up into the 50's today and it's sunny out.

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