Friday, March 18, 2011

House Stuff + Sick

Lila and I had lunch yesterday, leftover Shepherd's Pie.  She fed herself a few bites from a fork.  Emily came over and we went for a walk around the neighboring park trail.  Jake keeps asking if I'll miss having that nearby, but... not really.  There's always creepy people there.  Anyway, it was a beautiful day out and so nice to get out and walk!  Looking forward to many walks with Lila this spring and summer.  I love family walks.  After that, Lila took a short nap and Emily and I did a little packing.

When Lila woke up, we headed over to our house :)  We had the home inspection that day.  It took a few hours to walk through everything.  Jake was way into it, of course, but Emily and I mostly walked around the house and talked about decorating ideas.  Played with Lila on the floor in the sunshine, something I'm looking forward to doing every day with her in our house.  We sat in the driveway in the sunshine too.  I'm so excited to live there!  The inspection went well--there are a few minor problems that need fixing and hopefully the sellers will have those done for us.  We're asking them for a ~$1600 credit to get all of those things done.

After that we had soup and sandwiches for dinner and Lila loved the soup.  She made funny faces at us too and we were all giggling so hard.  It was awesome.  After dinner we did showers and bedtime.  At 9:00 I headed to Applebee's for a girls night with Candace Laughead, Annette Shumway, and Megan Oliphant.  A few more women had been invited but couldn't make it.  Didn't leave until almost 11.  It was a lot of fun!  We shared half-off appetizers and talked about high school shenanigans.  I love my RS friends.

Thursday I was sick all day and Lila was too.  Achy joints, headache, tired, sore throat.  Kasey Hunt told me on Wednesday that Waylon was diagnosed with strep throat, so I was really hoping we didn't have that, but I don't think we do.  It was so hard to get motivated to do anything, so we didn't do much.  Dinner was soup and sandwiches again, which Lila didn't seem to mind.  She's digging soup these days, but only if she can feed herself.  After dinner, she and Jake walked outside for a while and played with a neighbor's dog.  It was warm out.  After she went to bed, we watched part of the movie Morning Glory and talked to Mike a bit.

Today we applied for a loan with Sharon Waldecki of Evolve something or other out of Grand Rapids.  Rich referred us to her and she had the best quote of all the places we looked at.  We got locked in with a 4.75% interest rate, which is pretty good.  Jake met with Rich this morning to go over all the repairs that need to be done and sign the related paperwork.  Lila got up this morning when Jake did for work but took an hour and a half nap later in the morning.  I slept that whole time too which is awesome.  I needed that.  At 1:30 I picked up Emily and we had lunch with my old co-worker/friend from Gryphon Place, Melissa Dunn, and her sister Annie.  It was good to see her!  I haven't seen her since I stopped in at Gryphon when Lila was like 3 months old.  As much as I liked it there, I'm glad I don't have to work there anymore.  It was a perfect job for me though when I had it; what a huge blessing.  Lila was a good girl, ate some soup, and sat so nicely.  Cuddled with me too.

From there, Emily and I headed to Target.  Lila needs actual shoes now (instead of the moccasin type things she's been wearing) and I wanted to get her a birthday outfit too.  She pooped while we were there, of course.  A big, messy one.  She screamed and cried the whole time we changed it.  It was awesome.  Pooped again on the way home and had a melt down while I was changing it here.  She's sleeping now.  She probably feels awful too.  I feel a bit better today.  My sore throat went away but I still feel achy and tired.  Jake is teaching a Chinese investigator with missionaries right now.  Tomorrow morning he's going to leave for a while to play Ultimate Frisbee.  And on Sunday he'll be gone from like 7:30-4 for a branch conference in Coldwater.  Not looking forward to it.

I think I forgot to write that I talked with Jess on the phone for a while on Sunday night.  It was so nice, we hadn't talked for a while on the phone.  She's due in a few weeks.  I'm so excited for her.  I was surprised to hear that we share a lot of similar parenting philosophies... as far as co-sleeping and nursing goes.  She's going to be a great mom.  I would like to take Lila out there this summer to visit and meet her little one.

1 comment:

  1. Ooh, fun, decorating ideas. The other day I looked at design ideas while I was waiting for Jane to fall asleep. How exciting, to have your blank canvas! I'm glad for you to have good friends in your RS. Do you ever shop at Once Upon a Child or New to You Kids? I get all the girls' shoes and most of their clothes there...I rarely pay more than $4 for anything.
