Monday, March 7, 2011

A Miracle

Oh, in Fast and Testimony meeting on Sunday, Sister Johnson got up and shared her testimony.  She talked about the blessing that Jake gave her (she didn't say it was Jake, just that it was a "dear friend") and her experience with her sick granddaughter, who is now at home and doing well.  She said the whole experience was life changing.  After we left, she and Rand sat down and recorded everything they could remember from the blessing, and she reviewed it every day she was out in New York helping her daughter and granddaughter.  She said it was amazing, seeing the things from the blessing unfold.  After sacrament meeting I sat with her for a while and she teared up and said how grateful she and Rand were for us and how much they love us; said that we've done so much for them.  I said, "You've done so much for us!"  I told her what it says in Jake's patriarchal blessing... that as he ministers to Heavenly Father's children, he will see miracles transpire.  She said this was definitely one of them.  She's going to write a record of this experience and share it with us.  Heavenly Father is amazing.

1 comment:

  1. that's awesome. Jake truly is an amazing man and has touched many lives! I'm sure this miracle is only the beginning :)
