Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Letters to Lila: From Daddy

Dear Lila,

Today is your first birthday. We just celebrated with cake and icecream. You weren’t to interested in the cake or icecream, but you were totally digging the lit candle on your cake. You tried to touch the candle flame several times. You were fascinated. Reminds me of me!

In fact, there are a lot of things about you that remind me of me. The way you love to play with shoes and play in the closet, the way you are so fascinated with mechanical things, with playing the drums, listening to and dancing to music, the way you love making different noises, they way you are often just so chill, and overall just the way you love to learn things.

Two weeks ago on Saturday, I started showing you how to blow raspberries in the morning. In the afternoon, we were driving, and you started to blow raspberries. I was so proud of you, because it was only that morning that I showed you. You were cracking yourself up over it. When you were just a few months old, sometimes when you would start to whine or cry over something, I would slide my finger over your lips to make a funny sound, and you would stop whining quickly because the noise was funny. Not long after that you started making the noise yourself! It’s so fun to teach you things, and I really look forward to teaching you so many things as you grow up.

You are such an amazing little girl. As I reflect back upon this first year of your life, I realize that you have been such a great blessing to your mom and I and all of your siblings to come. You have been such a sweet girl. You are so well behaved and so sweet and loving. Your Mom and I will be forever grateful for how kind you’ve been to us as we’ve learned to be parents.

We have had a lot of great memories in this first year of your life. We watched you grow quickly coming home from the hospital, we took you to New York, to Boston, to the UP, and everywhere we’ve gone. We’ve had a lot of great Friday or Saturday night dates together with you. We haven’t really gotten a babysitter because you weren’t really interested in taking a bottle, and you have been so well behaved. That’s one way that you’ve taught us to be good parents and to take care of your needs. You basically demand that we spend so much time with you, but you are also so very pleasant to spend time with. That has helped your Mom and I keep our priorities straight with respect to our children. Another great example is when we attempted to sleep train you. You slept in your own room/crib from 6 weeks to 6 months. But after that, you wouldn’t sleep away from our bed. At about 9 months...we tried to sleep you in your crib and let you cry it out. You stopped crying after 45-min and then sat in your crib up and awake til 2:30am. Needless to say, we learned our lesson. Fortunately, you didn’t hate us after that. And, we realized that we are perfectly happy having you sleep with us. I’m not sure how our other kids will be, but thank you for paving the way for them to be sure to get the care and treatment they need, whatever it is. We will be sensitive to their needs whatever they are. And we will continue to be sensitive to yours. We love to spend time with you and to give you everything that you need.

I realize now, that this trait of yours, demanding that we treat you right, is something that comes from your Mom. When I was dating your mom, she demanded that I treat her with the absolute respect that she deserved. It’s a very good thing. Your mom is an amazing woman, and I am so glad that she is your mom and spends so much time with you. I know her good traits and love will rub off. Don’t ever feel bad about becoming like your mom.

Anyway, lately you have been really blooming. You started walking quite a bit, walking to and from your mom and I and other people. You get to spend a lot of time with my brother, your Uncle Mike and mom’s sister Aunt Emily because they live close by. It’s so nice to have family near. They love you and you love them too.

You really love dogs and cats and anytime you see them, you start to get really excited, and just NEED to be next to them to touch them and be near them. We have a couple dogs that live here in our complex. We’ll be moving into our first house soon, and there are lots of dogs in that neighborhood. I think you’ll just love it there. We found a really great first house.

I love you so much Lila, and think you are such a beautiful girl. I am so honored and grateful to be your father, and will always be there for you. I love holding you, and taking care of you.

Something really great is that lately, you have been waking up just about the time I need to get up to get ready for work, and you make it clear that you want to get up with me, to spend a little time with me before I leave for work. If ever you don’t get up, but then wake up just before I leave for work, you start to cry because I have to leave. It is so cute, and precious that you want me to stay with you. I love it when you get up early and hang out with me before work.

I really feel like I don’t get to spend enough time with you, but I suppose it’s enough and the time we do spend together will be really good for you.

You’ve been doing a lot of talking lately too. That is so cute, it’s so fun to talk with you.

I am so proud of you and all that you have learned and done in your first year of life. I look forward to our many many years together here in this life and for an eternity together forever. You are my precious baby girl and will always be. I love you forever Lila.

Love Always, your Daddy.

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