Monday, March 21, 2011

Insomnia, Martini's, First Kiss

Friday night was really weird.  Mike stopped by after dinner, before heading to Serena Baker's wedding reception with Cassandra.  Jake and I were pretty tired, so when Lila went to bed, we decided to lay down for a while too... kind of intending to get up in a few hours after we felt more rested.  So we laid down with Lila at 8:00.  She crawled and rolled around in bed for an hour and fell asleep at 9:00.  I really didn't feel good... had a headache and my shoulders and neck ached too.  Couldn't get comfortable.  Fell asleep for a little while, but woke up again at like 10:30 and then couldn't get back to sleep till after 1:00.  It was so dumb.  I actually got out of bed for a little while and had a snack and read some of my book, but Lila woke up shortly after that crying, so I went back to bed.  Lame.

I finally fell asleep but at 4:40 woke up from a stupid dream (where I had to sing a solo in public but didn't know the song) with my eyes burning and almost in tears.  Lila cried for a while.  Thankfully, Jake woke up and took care of me.  He gave me a blessing and then rubbed my back and took care of me till I fell back asleep.  I have another head cold.

Saturday morning, he got up with Lila and I got to lay in bed for maybe 15-20 minutes before he had to leave for Ultimate Frisbee.  He was going to take Lila with him, but it was too cold for that so I kept her home.  I felt better after getting up and having breakfast.  We Skyped with my parents for a while.  Lila and I took an hour+ nap.  She woke up at 12:15.  Jake didn't get home till 12:30; he'd promised to get back before noon.  :)  So I "made" him take me out for pizza at Martini's.  It was so yum and fun to have Lila there.  We love her.  She figured out how to drink water out of a straw and happily did that for a while.  After that we stopped at Lowe's to look at paint samples and then went to Meijer.  Lila cried when we sat her in the cart, so Jake stood her up in the back of the cart and that's where she happily stayed while we shopped.  Pretty funny and I can't believe she's old enough to do that.

After that, we went for a walk around the trail.  Our first family walk of the year.  We enjoyed it a lot and remembered how different it was going for walks with Lila the last time it was warm out.  And how this time last year I was HUGE and waddling around and couldn't walk very far.  And how it took just a year for Lila to become this awesome kid.  She liked looking at the geese.  We stopped at the playground and put her in the baby swing, she liked that too.  Took her down the slides a few times but she didn't seem to care for that.  Jake and I got to chat, which I always love.  I love going on walks together.  It's so relaxing.  Talked about our new house and how excited we are to move in and to have a house.

We had mac and cheese for dinner and Lila was so funny... she pulled my big bowl up to her face and stuck her face right into the food, trying to lick the cheese.  I guess she likes cheese.  She wouldn't accept a fork or spoon or any noodles, she just wanted to kind of lick the flavor.  Pretty funny, and nothing we've ever seen her do before.  She's been sipping from her sippy cup that has a straw, which is good too!

We did showers and Lila was asleep by 8.  After that, Jake and I worked out filling out and signing our mortgage application.  I worked on Primary stuff.  It took a long time.  At almost 11:00 Mike came over; he'd just left the Lillrose's.  He had spent the whole day with her and her family.  They went for a long walk in the woods with her siblings, wherein they "fell behind," cuddled on a bench for three hours, and had their first kiss!!!  Big news!!!  hehehe.  The night before, Cassandra had asked him about him being ready to date again so soon after his divorce, and he talked about how the atonement has really helped him and changed his life... and about how he'd done everything he could to save his marriage so that he didn't have any regrets.  And, it's not surprising that after what Kalina did to him, he's not pining after her.  He's really doing great--he's processing things still in healthy ways, he's never seemed better or happier.

1 comment:

  1. Wow and yay for Mike & Cass's first kiss! :) We've taken a few family walks great to be able to get outdoors! And it's amazing how many things we talk about on walks that we don't talk about while doing things at home. Must be the fresh air. I also can't sleep when I go to bed super early...hope you get feeling better! I'm so excited for you and your house!
