Saturday, March 5, 2011

Things I Love About You 2011

From Rudi to Jake, for Valentine's Day.

1. I love that you love kids so much and that you're so good with them; that I never have to worry about feeling supported in my desires to have children and a happy family, because your desires and intentions match my own.

2. I love how you really do inspire and motivate me to be more righteous and obedient.  Ex. Sabbath Day.  And how your desires to be obedient aren't because you want to appear righteous or because you have a "holier than thou" attitude, but because you sincerely want to obey God's commandments and that you have faith that He'll bless us.

3. I love you love and care for our daughter; that you were right by my side through labor and the days after birth when I was recovering and my feelings were so tender and vulnerable.  I felt so protected and safe because you were there for me.  You took charge--changed diapers and gave baths.  You encouraged me in learning how to breastfeed; called lactation consultants for me.  The first week of Lila's life was so special and it really bonded us together.  It made us a family.

4. I love how you are the only other person in the whole world who knows just what it's like to have Lila for a daughter.  I feel like we have the same heart now, because of Lila and our commitment to adoration of her.  I love how you and I giggle whispering in the dark hallway outside of our room, picturing in our minds how she looks sleepy-eyed and tired, sitting up in bed.

5. I love that you want music in our home--the stereo, drums, piano.  You make it a point to share music with Lila.  I remember in the days when we got home from the hospital, you played Mozart for her all day long.

6.  I love that you impress people.  Most recently, your new boss and co-workers.

7.  I love that you can support our family and made choices in your education and career that allow you to do so.  Instead of prolonging responsibility or avoiding it, you embrace it.

8.  I loved to see you vulnerable and nervous for me while I was in labor.

9.  I love how you have been a loving example to your siblings; to see you praying and fasting for them, defending them; investing time and energy; guiding, giving advice (even when it's unsolicited); saying bold things.

10.  I love how you're learning to balance things.  Especially with your calling.  To see you recognizing you can't do everything you'd like to do and be at peace with it is good--shows how you're maturing.

11.  I love how you really are the priesthood leader in our home.  I feel it.  Never knew I wanted to be led like this, but it feels so good and so right.

12.  I love that "words mean things" to you.  It saves us a lot of problems and we avoid a lot of pointless arguments because we're usually able to communicate what we need and wants.  It sets good examples to our kids.

13.  I love that you have such faith in my mothering and that you support me in my parenting style (so far); that you agree that co-sleeping is the way to go right now; how when Lila crawls to me and falls asleep on me at night you think it's adorable and so sweet; that when I said I intend on doing things a lot differently with our next baby, you told me that you didn't think I needed to do anything differently because I'm there for Lila when she needs me.  I love that you listen to the different ideas I have about raising/teaching/disciplining our kids.  You--once again--have built me up; built up my confidence as a woman and mother.  This is one of the greatest gifts you'll ever give me in my whole life.

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