Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Successful Shower, Savings Account, Emily's, Walking at Culver's

Yesterday morning Lila and I took a shower together and it went well!  For the past several months, since around Thanksgiving, she's been scared of being in the tub.  She likes to stand outside of the tub while I'm showering, and she doesn't mind being in the shower if one of us is holding her, but if you put her on the floor of the tub she'll usually freak out and is really scared.  But over the weekend, Jake tried putting her down and she did fine.  So I tried it today, and she whimpered for a few seconds, but then enjoyed drinking shower water I sprayed at her and then happily cruised along the edges of the shower for the rest of the time.  I wanted to do her shower this morning so that we could have more family time together tonight.

After that, we were both tired and napped together from 10:30 to noon.  Another amazing nap.  Yay Lila.  Then we packed up and headed to the bank to open a savings account for Lila.  It was difficult trying to wrangle her there too, but we made it and now she has $45 in her bank account.  I'm going to put birthday money in it and Jake and I will contribute money too.  My Uncle Ben and Aunt Michele had a rule for their kids that with any money they made or got as gifts, half of it went into savings.  I really like that idea.

From there, we stopped at the library to drop off a book that I won't finish--probably won't have time to read until after the move--and then went to Emily's for a few hours.  Lila likes playing there.  She did sort of fall down the two stairs to the kitchen head-first in slow-motion... she didn't even cry.  It was pretty funny actually.  She also took a nap there.  It was a pretty, sunny day.

We left for home at the same time that Jake left work.  Made banana pancakes for dinner and Lila nibbled on one, which is great.  We were going to go for another walk, but by the time dinner was cleaned up, it was already 7:30 or so.  She did this funny thing when Jake was changing her diaper... she was dancing and wiggling while she was laying down because he turned on the singing/dancing gorilla she got for her birthday.  So we got Lila ready for bed.  She was fussy and not going down easily so I asked Jake to give her some Tylenol, which she then projectile puked all over him and the floor.  Poor baby, and poor Jake :)  I don't think she fell asleep till around 9.  Jake and I were up for a few more hours, working on things on the computer and visiting a little too.  Talked to Mike, who spent the evening with Cassandra in Port Huron.  He had to be on the east side of the state for work and she drove over to be with him for a few hours.  He helped her with some homework at Barnes and Noble for a little while, and then they made out for the rest of the time. :) hehehe.

Lila slept in this morning till almost 9:30.  Love that girl.  We had a good morning.  She let me spoon feed her some of the sugary milk from my cereal bowl at breakfast and seemed to really like it... she almost never lets me spoon feed her anything.  So then I tried to be sneaky and put some rice cereal into the milk (it's a good source of iron), but she immediately tasted the difference and lost interest.  So we'll have to keep trying with the milk.

We met Jake at noon at Culver's for lunch, since he has his meeting tonight.  He bought some more things for the house... a fancy ladder and a leaf blower for $70.  He's storing all of this garage stuff in the back of his 4Runner right now... but I think we'll have to move them into Lila's room until we move or something.  Culver's was a lot of fun.  Lila lit up as soon as she saw Jake and smiled and waved through the car window.  It was nice seeing Jake during the day when he's awake and alert.  Poor guy is pretty tired lately!  We're really excited to move into our house.  Shortly before we left, Lila figured out that she can walk wherever she wants, not just to Jake or I.  Actually before we left for Culver's this morning, she was playing in my closet, walked out to check what I was watching on TV and then walked back into the closet, lol.  But at Culver's she started walking around a little bit, checking out different people and smiling/laughing at them.  So then she walked around the whole restaurant gleefully, holding my hand.  And then she walked out to the car holding Jake's hand and let go to walk by herself a few times.  What a girl!  She's growing up so fast!  I'm really excited for her to learn how to walk, actually... it will be SO nice when I don't have to carry her and the diaper bag, and whatever else I have, out to the car.  I was smiling so big and giggling watching her like a big cheese.  I'm such a mom.

She fell asleep right before we got home, so I tried carrying her inside without her waking up, but someone was vacuuming the apartment hallway so she woke up.  And then wouldn't go back to sleep for a few hours.  She's sleeping right now.  So I did some sorting and purging... it's time to start packing!

1 comment:

  1. Lila got a good haul for her birthday...that's fun! So are they adding a 500 gallon tank for you? You'll be shocked at how much stuff you need when you're in a house rather than an apartment; rakes, shovels, lawnmower, snow blower, extra rugs and mats for all the entrances, decorating stuff...it all adds up! A leaf blower seems a bit premature. :) (But if it was a good deal.) We have a place called The Garage Sale Warehouse; it's awesome for all that tool stuff. Good luck with all your moving stuff. I love moving. Good luck!

    That's adorable about her walking all over Culver's talking to people.
