Friday, March 25, 2011

Birthday Cuddling, Lame Wednesday, Happy Thursday, Mike & Cassandra at the temple (Video)

When Jake and I got into bed on Lila's birthday, she woke up and cuddled with us before falling back asleep.  She was sprawled on top of me, her head was kind of cuddled on Jake's shoulder, and she slowly drifted asleep.  So I was holding her, Jake was holding me and her, and it was just perfect.  It was her birthday gift to us. :)

Wednesday was super lame and boring.  It was cold and dreary out.  Lila and I stayed home all day but didn't do much.  Emily came over.  Jake was home late from church.  We did showers.  After Lila went to bed we bummed around.  Jake worked, I read.  Video chatted with Mike.  He video chats with Cassandra nightly.  She has a cold right now.  Her roommate Michelle told Mike he should come and "heal" Cassandra like he "healed" her when he last visited; he'd given her a blessing.  Mike said he could give her a blessing on Saturday.  She jokingly said that she didn't want to be sick for two more days.  So he said she could meet him at the Detroit temple Thursday night and he could give her a blessing there.  So she thought about it for a minute and said, "Yeah!  Let's meet there!"  Mike was pretty surprised, and excited!

Yesterday was much better.  The sun was out.  Got a lot of cleaning done.  Lila took two very short naps.  During her morning nap, I called Jess and we chatted for a while.  She's 38 1/2 weeks along and 3cm dilated and 75% effaced, so she'll probably go before her due date (April 5th).  I'm so excited for her.  She begged me to come visit her in Hawaii when they're stationed there for 3 months.  We'll see about that!  We listened to music and danced a lot.  She practiced walking a lot.  There were several times yesterday when I was doing something and look over at her and she was ever so cautiously walking towards me, lol.  It was so cute.  Up till then she hadn't ever started walking to me unless I was encouraging her to.  It's so cool to see her growing and changing every day.  Now she's trying to figure out how to go from sitting to standing without support.  I think it'll take her a little while to figure that out.  So, all in all, it was a good day!  We had chicken pasta salad for dinner when Jake got home.

After dinner, we went to Target and got a cake stand for Lila's birthday cake.  I looked at stuff for our new house a little bit too, but not for very long because Jake was totally not interested in doing that.  I think our home was appraised by the mortgage lender and the septic inspection was done too... so we're getting closer!

We played with Lila before bed.  She likes throwing her wooden blocks (not very high or very far) and she always laughs when Jake tries to juggle them.  I swear I never get her to laugh the way Jake can.  I missed The Office episode (which is apparently awesome, Michael Scott proposes to Holly!) because I was putting Lila to bed (so I'll have to watch that next).  We were up late... Jake had to work.  Jake woke up before 6 to go to work early yesterday and today and stayed up late last night too.  But he's going to try to come home early today.

Mike called after he was done at the temple.  He said it was awesome, and that things got pretty awkwardly serious while they were there, lol.  After the session, he asked the temple president (who was standing in the lobby) to help give Cassandra a blessing.  When they got to the president's office, he asked Mike and Cassandra how long they'd been married. hehehe. Mike said they're not married. President asked, "You're not married? or not yet?" And Mike intentionally didn't answer because he wanted to see how Cassandra would answer.  Cassandra said, "Not... yet."  hahaha.  So Mike really liked the temple president after that.  After that they went out for soup hot cocoa and hot soup.  Walked arm in arm, holding hands, all that mushy stuff.  Kissed a lot too.  Mike was so surprised because she was the one who kept the kissing going. lol.  At one point she said, "You are too good of a kisser... we can't be kissing this often!"  Before they parted ways, she asked him, "Why do you like me so much?"  And then she said how he doesn't even know her that well, but they like each other a lot... and she mentioned how she's going to move to Toronto.  And then Mike said something like, "Well you should move to Battle Creek."  And she sad, "I have to move to Toronto and finish what I've started."  And then she said something about how they need more time, he needs more time, etc.  Implying that she sees marriage in their future?  Mike got the impression that she's been really thinking seriously about marriage, but has some concerns about the timing of it, because he's so recently divorced... and he's glad that she's finally starting to talk about it.  They agreed to spend time on Saturday talking about it.  She said they could get lost in the woods and talk about it.  It was sooo fun hearing about everything.  Jake and I were giggling.  (Well, I mostly was the one giggling.)  But it's so much fun to hear about them falling in love... that's one of the best times in life.  Makes me remember all the fun Jake and I had.

Anyway, I'd better go tend to my cute baby.  She puts the phone up to her ear now and pretends to talk.  She's starting to say a very unintelligible "hello" now.  So adorable.

1 comment:

  1. That's so exciting, the changes in Mike & Cassandra's relationship. I'm glad for Mike. I agree, the falling in love is so much fun. I love talking to Abbey (my sis) about all her boy things...she's so funny.

    I love that Lila is talking on the phone now. They mimic what they see, right? Jane calls phones "Grandpa," not "phone."
