Monday, March 28, 2011

Party at the Littles', Mom and Dad Visit, Lila's First Birthday Party

I spent Friday morning and afternoon cleaning for my parents.  Emily came over at around 3:00, shortly after Lila went down for a nap.  So I left Emily to watch the baby and ran off to the store to buy things for the party.  It was a mad scramble, made more difficult by the stupid broken wheel on my cart.  Jake got out of work at 4:00; he'd gone in an hour early that morning.  He ran errands (stopped by Rich's office, got insurance quotes, put in our 30-day notice with the apartment office).  My parents got to Emily's shortly after I got home, so she left, and then we waited for Jake to get home.  Mike stopped by to pick up the four Twilight books that I sold on Craigslist for $20.  He delivered them to the seller in GR on his way to Jim's that evening. 

We got to visit with my parents and Bella for a few minutes before Jake and I had to leave for the Stake Presidency farewell party in Vicksburg at the Littles'.  We left Lila with my folks and she had a blast, playing with the dog.  It was a nice little "date" for us.  I like the Littles' house a lot.  It's by a little lake and has lots of windows.  The food was delish.  I swear I ate like 2 or 3 times as much as Jake did.  I can put away so much food.  So we got to visit for a while.  Their last Tuesday meeting together is tomorrow.  The new presidency will be installed on April 10th.  Anyway, I really like the Littles, they're a fun family.  The Andersons, Petersens, Sayes, and Laugheads were also there.  We left at 9:00 as planned.  Lila didn't get to bed till 10:30.  She stayed up late reading books with my mom, who slept at our place.  Dad and Bella stayed with Emily.  It'll be so nice when they can all stay at our house.

Saturday was a busy day, getting ready for Lila's party.  She went down for a nap in the morning.  I made pistachio bars, which is what I requested instead of a birthday cake as a child.  I also made a layered chocolate cake with chocolate frosting and raspberries, another favorite of mine. :)  I chopped everything up for pancit and my dad made that when he arrived.  I also made some chicken pasta salad.  Emily stayed at her apartment with Bella until 3.  We cleaned and decorated.  The party was from 1-3.  I had invited a lot of people and over 20 had RSVP'd but only THREE came! lol!  I was more annoyed than offended.  But it all worked out ok and I was just happy to have my parents there.  Desiree and Tyler came and so did Annette Shumway.  Annette is due on April 19th with a girl (Ruby) Desiree is due on April 20th with a boy (Jarom) and they are both huge and bonded over that.  So, all in all a nice time.  And then at 3, Aunts Gina and Patti, Uncle Larry, and my 7-year-old cousin Sam came with presents, so I guess technically they count as guests too. :)  So we visited with them.  Lila really likes Sam.  She went down for a nap.  Jake went to a garage sale that was selling a bunch of tools and he bought a shop-vac, an air compressor, a car jack for working on cars, and some other things, for like $88.  I told him no more buying tools till we're actually living in the house. :) 

Speaking of the house, late last week we had the septic system inspected, which is one of the required inspections.  Jake was reviewing the report and noticed something that both inspection companies had missed (Cartas--the relocation company--had also done a septic inspection): the tank is only 1000 gallons.  A four-bedroom home requires a 1500 gallon tank... so it's not up to code.  Which is fine, I guess... unless we end up having a really big family while we're living there, or until we go to sell the house and have to disclose that the tank isn't up to code to any potential buyers.  So we're requested than they install an additional 500 gallon tank and waiting to hear back from them.  We found out that they don't really like us because we were there for a long time during the inspection and I guess that interfered with some plans they'd had.  Oh well.

My mom got her a bunch of books and stuffed animals... including two animals that sing and "dance," like the snowman and dog she got for Christmas.  She got a summertime outfit from Emily.  A fancy toy from the Neils.  A really cute outfit and placemat from Aunt Gina.  A toy laptop from the Bruinsmas (she likes that a lot).  A few books from Nana Bruinsma.  Rand and Lynn Johnson sent home a present from church yesterday, a book.  And the Hunts, who had RSVP'd, sent a few presents as well.

In the evening, Jake and I took Mom and Dad on a drive past our house, which was fun.  We hung out at Emily's apartment for a little bit and then took Mom back to our place.  I think Lila was up late again, till 10 or so.  I was planning on going to bed early too, I was so tired, but ended up staying late.  And then we video chatted with Mike and Cassandra for like 10 minutes.  He went up to Canada that morning to visit her.  She wanted to know what Jake and I think of them dating, and we of course told her that we think it's awesome.  Her family doesn't know what to make of it yet.  Went to bed.

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