Monday, March 28, 2011

Sunday: Jake's Busy, KUB, Mike's Day with Cassandra

Jake had a very long day yesterday.  He had a meeting at 8am, went to church in our ward, had a training during 2nd hour, after church stopped at hospice to visit John, then headed to Paw Paw for another training and didn't get back till 5:30.  It was like a full work day.  And then he worked from 8pm-12:45am on more stake stuff.  He's busy training unit clerks and also preparing for the new stake presidency.  He's a hard worker and never complains.

Lila woke up shortly after Jake left and we had breakfast with my mom.  Emily and Dad arrived some time later, and we got to spend a little time with them before Mom and Dad left.  Em watched the babe while I got ready for church, and then I got Lila ready.  I knew church would be tough, trying to wrangle her by myself again, especially during her nap-time.  I went to the KUB with Em at 11:00.  She was speaking and playing the violin (and she taught Sunday School, so it was like the Emily Show at the KUB).  Lila did okay for the first 15 or so minutes, but she pooped during the first speaker so we hung out in the basement for a while after I changed her diaper.  I had a really hard time hanging onto Lila, she was trying to walk around.  She's SO BIG and SO HEAVY!  Emily's talk went well--she spoke on covenants.  

I headed home after sacrament meeting.  Lila fell asleep right before we got home, but I totally wasn't going to sit in the car while she slept.  She surprised me and stayed asleep when I took her out and awkwardly carried her in (she's SO HEAVY!) and stayed asleep when I laid her down on the bed.  She usually doesn't do that.  And then she slept for almost 2 hours and I slept with her.  It was amazing.  I woke up and panicked a little because I thought it was Monday morning.  So that was a great afternoon nap, just Lila and Mom.  We woke up around 2 and then Mike wanted to video chat to tell me about his Saturday with Cassandra.  So we talked for 2 hours and that ate a lot of time too.  Lila had a great time making faces at Mike on the webcam.  So, Mike had a great day.  Here are the highlights (I record these things because it really shows how the hand of the Lord is working in his life):
  • C told him that after she broke up with Nate at Thanksgiving, she started doubting her decision.  But then she felt a clear prompting that she'd be dating someone by the end of the year.  In early December, some guy came home from his mission and started going to her branch.  They went on a few dates and he sent her an email that said he'd really like to keep dating her.  She's thinking he's the guy she got the prompting about.  A few weeks go by without really seeing or talking to each other, and at Christmastime, she gets another email that says he won't be dating her anymore because he's engaged!!  How crazy is that?  So she's thinking the prompting she got didn't make any sense.  And then, on the night of December 30th, she gets a phone call from Jake and he's wondering what she's doing on New Years Eve and wants her to meet his brother.  She's thinking, "What the heck is this about?"  And she meets Mike on the last day of the year.  Amazing.
  • They established that they are dating exclusively.
  • She asked if he'd heard from Kalina lately and he told her about what happened last Sunday.  He made it clear that he doesn't have feelings for her.
  • He asked what she likes about him... she said she's not usually very comfortable around guys and has a hard time opening up to them.  She said that she feels really comfortable around Mike and feels really happy when she's with him.  He impresses her a lot--the way he treats her and her roommates.  
  • They're kind of talking about marriage.  Not about logistics so much as the fact that it's a possibility for them.
  • She really likes him and he really likes her.
  • Her sisters don't like Jake because he asks too many questions. :)
After that Lila and I played till Jake got home at 5:30.  We had leftover pancit for dinner and Lila really likes that stuff!  She likes playing with the noodles and tries to eat them too, pretty unsuccessfully, but at least she's interested.  It'll be great when her coordination matches her interest in the food.  Jake loved it too; said that it just reminds him of Asia and tastes so authentic.  I'll have to make it again soon... like for my own birthday next month.

We went for a walk to the mailbox.  It was nice and sunny about but a little chilly.  Jake's parents had sent Lila a birthday card and $25.  We got Lila ready for bed shortly after that and she was in bed by 8.  She was up a lot last night though... I think she's teething again.  Jake and I were up late working on things for his calling... putting together spreadsheets.  Didn't get to bed till almost 1.  

My favorite sight of all time is peeking into our room and seeing Lila sitting up in bed after waking up... her sweet round little head poking up out of the pillows and blankets.  I just love her.

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