Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Lila's 1st Birthday!

My sweet girl turned a year old yesterday!  WOW!  On one hand it feel like she's been here much longer than that, but it also feels impossible that it's already been a year since we had her.  I've been thinking about our sweet time in the hospital together, bringing her home, all the wonderful fun that was.  What a sweet baby.  It seems like overnight she's more like a little girl than a baby.

The day started out with visiting teaching.  Talked to Mike on the phone on the way to pick up my new companion, Christy (Davis) Szekely.  He and C had video chatted the night before.  I got Christy at 9:45.  I hadn't really talked to her for a long time.  Not since she got married in June, at least.  I thought maybe she'd matured a little, and maybe she has, but not very much.  Oh well.  We had a nice visit with Rachel Mills.  I love her and her family.  Abe was just leaving for work when we got there and we visited with him for a bit.  The four youngest kids were all running around.  I'm so excited to have a house full of kids.  So we visited and got to know each other a little better.  I serve with Rachel in the primary presidency.  Her 10-month-old daughter Juliana also doesn't eat, same time of deal as Lila.  She will eat crackers, like Lila, and some soup, but that's about it.  Interesting, huh?  Juliana is Rachel's first child who won't eat like this, which kind of makes me feel better... maybe it's not me that's messing Lila up; maybe Lila's just really picky :)

After that, Lila fell asleep almost immediately in the car.  Dropped Christy off.  And since Lila was sleeping, I called Jake to see if he wanted to meet up for lunch.  It takes a while to drive over there so Lila would be able to sleep.  We drove around our new neighborhood first :) and then picked up Jake.  Went to Culver's for my pregnancy cravings: french fries and then my favorite sundae, chocolate custard with raspberries and brownie chunks.  I thought that was a fun way to celebrate. Oh, and another cute thing: the number Culver's gave us to put on our table was 22!  :) 

Lila and I went home, played for a bit, I made her birthday cake.  She went down for a long nap and so I got to make dinner without her whining at my feet. :)  Jake got here before she woke up.  Talked with Kelsey on the phone for a bit.  They just found out they're having another boy! :)  So exciting.  When Lila got up we had another pregnancy craving for dinner: beef stroganoff (and it was delish!).  Mike got here around 6.  Here's the excerpt I wrote about her party from her 1 year letter --

We had Granny and Grandpa Ollero on Skype. We played with balloons and you freaked out, you loved them so much. We sang you happy birthday and blew out the candle for you. We did cake and ice cream, of which you ate none. You were fascinated with the birthday candle though! You tried touching it quite a few times. We relit it over and over for you because you liked it so much. Then we opened your birthday present from us: a Playskool Explore 'n Grow Step Start Walk 'n Ride. You love it and I'm thrilled that you do. You started walking all around the apartment with it with a silly grin on your face. I'm excited for you to have more space in our new house for you to walk around in. So, all in all, a wonderful first birthday. We're having a bigger birthday party for you on Saturday when your Granny and Grandpa are here.

It was actually a lot of fun.  I enjoyed myself!  I think Lila did too.  It took her a while to wind down to go to bed.  I tried not to let the day be overwhelming... it started feeling that way if I thought about it too much... just tried to relax and let it be a fun time for our family.

After Lila went to bed we visited with Mike some more.  Weird, right? :)  He's been noticing, and expressing to us, his need for a lot of validation... in general but especially in his romantic relationships.  Yeah, Mike needs tons of validation.  Which is why he talks so much :)  So we analyzed Cassandra more.

This morning Lila got up with Jake, as she seems to like to do now.  I was really tired.  She didn't fall back asleep after he left, so we got up and played in the living room.  (So exited to have our house!  It'll be so much bigger!)  I gave her a graham cracker and sippy cup and put on PBS and she happily snacked while watching the TV.  It was pretty cute.  She seems to eat a lot more if she's distracted by the TV... like she doesn't realize she's actually eating or drinking.  She's in bed sleeping already again.

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