Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Playgroup, Poop, and A Fever

After Lila had her nap on Monday, Emily watched her so that I could run to Meijer.  We had banana pancakes and sausage for dinner, and Lila tried and liked both.  After that, Emily watched Lila while Jake and I went to Lowe's, Marshall's, and Meijer.  Got paint for the tall wall in the living room and looked at King bed sheets.  It was a nice little "date," although Jake gets "annoyed" whenever I say things like, "Remember going on dates when we were first married?  That was so much fun.  We used to have so much fun."  Because he thinks I'm complaining that we don't have fun anymore.  Not so.

Yesterday morning was fun.  We went to the playgroup that Elizabeth Christensen was hosting.  Her family is new in the ward.  Her husband Mike works for Kellogg I think.  They have four kids, including a set of twins and a girl around Lila's age.  Really nice family and they had a really nice house too.  I love the playgroups around here; I wish that when Lila was a smaller infant I would've known about them.  I think they would've made my transition to motherhood easier.  But I'm happy to have this support this time around.  I had a nice visit with all the ladies there and Lila had fun playing on their bouncey-house thing and climbing on a little slide.  She also snacked and played with other kids.  All around wonderful morning.

Afterwards we stopped at Jake's office for a quick lunch.  I got to see his new office for the first time.  Really nice!  The best part of our visit was when Lila stopped dead in her tracks, pointed at her butt, said "poop" and then pooped!  She's a genius!  Maybe she'll be ready for potty training sooner than I thought.  Either that, or she'll be super stubborn and not want to at all... not want to sit on the potty, etc.  I can also see that happening. I'll have to get her a little potty chair.  She also tried eating Jake's salami sandwich, and gobbled up the salami pieces Jake gave her.

Yesterday and today Emily didn't have to work either.  So yesterday we went to Target and Pier 1.  Didn't buy anything at Target, but Lila sure pooped there.  And I bought a lamp and some pillows at Pier 1 (but I'm returning the pillows).  Got home, Emily left, and Jake and I grilled chicken for dinner while Lila played with Brody and Toby.   Lila loved the chicken and ate a lot of it!  We couldn't keep up with her! She went down at 7:20 but then was up again at 8:00 and didn't go back to bed till 11.  Oy vey.  In the meantime, Jake mowed the lawn and I started the edging on the tall wall.

Poor Lila isn't doing so well.  She woke up with a fever this morning, very cranky and crying and not feeling well.  She's had more diarrhea.  So we've been feeding her popsicles.  She's still eating and drinking fairly well, so that's good.  She woke up right before Jake left at 8, and then slept again from around 9-11.  Emily came over after Lila and I took a shower.  Lila was pretty happy in the morning.  We read books.  She still just loves that Lila Pirate book.  She loves looking at the pictures and pointing at and saying the different animals she recognizes.  And when I read it to her, she was giggling with delight.

Lunch went well.  We all chatted on the phone with Mom and Lila happily ate her mac and cheese.  Now she's napping and Em and I are chillin' in the basement.

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