Sunday, July 24, 2011

17w 3d Elusive Sleep - And a regular update

I'm not at church right now.  Stayed home to sleep and get some rest but haven't been able to fall asleep.  I was finally starting to rest and relax when all of a sudden I was starving, so I got up to eat and now here I am on the couch.  Jake and Lila should be home soon.  They weren't going to stay for all of church.  Lila had 2 pretty bad nights in a row.  Friday night was the worst, but last night wasn't too much better.  She was up early (5:30 or earlier maybe), and so when she gets home I'm guessing she'll definitely be ready for a nap.  I sure hope it's the teething that's bothering her and that it's not something else or just a new habit of hers to be fussy in the middle of the night.  I haven't been able to look at her teeth lately, but the last time I caught a glimpse, one of her top fangs was just starting to cut through (I think it might have gone back up since then) and the other side was swollen, so I know there's definitely something happening.  Oh well.

So, I'm very tired and can't really think clearly.  I'm having a lot of trouble sleeping lately as it is, and this isn't helping.  Oh well.  We have a tempurpedic king size bed on loan from Jen Randall (it's been in their storage unit for 4 years and now they want to sell it), so maybe that will help.  When I lay in bed lately, I just feel so uncomfortable, kind of claustrophobic, and my skin feels a little crawly.  Fun times.  If we like the bed, we can buy it from them, but if we don't she said that's no problem and they'll sell it to someone else.

I forgot to mention that on Wednesday, Emily and I had dinner with Rebecca Makas.  She's in town for the month of July taking an Arabic translation class at Western.  It was good to see her; she's doing well.   We went to Panera.  Lila sat for the first little while but was running all over the place for the last half of the visit, so Emily did more visiting with Rebecca than I did, but that's ok :)

Anyway.  Friday was a good day.  In the afternoon I met Becca Burkhead at Target to go maternity clothes shopping!  She is pregnant!  She and Joe are "older."  She'll turn 30 shortly after the baby is born and Joe is 32 maybe.  I thought that they had infertility problems, but turns out that up until recently, Joe just didn't feel like it was the right time for them to have kids.  But a few months ago, he sat her down and said that he felt it was time.  And 2 weeks later she got pregnant.  The baby is due in mid-February, so she's only around 10 weeks.  She's not really showing, but she's starting to outgrow some of her clothes.  Anyway, I love Becca and we had a really nice time together.  There will be another baby boom this winter.  These are the women I know who are pregnant and due around the time that I am: Holly (nov 2), Christy (Dec 27), Terra Burnham, Jessica Wesel (January), Becca Burkhead (Feb), Krista Berbohm (Feb), Kate Whitaker (Feb).

From there we met Emily at the mall.  We went to JCP and Motherhood Maternity.  I said I wasn't going to buy anything, but of course I ended up buying a dress and skirt at Motherhood.  I couldn't help myself.  BUT, these are the last maternity purchases of this pregnancy!!  Clotheswise at least... I think I will need to pick up a tank top or two for layering at some point.  But I should be all set otherwise.  I'm really starting to show.  I'm not huge or anything, but I do have a little pregnant belly now and that's fun.

Lila had a blast shopping.  She loves running around the clothes racks and hiding behind clothes, etc.  She loves it when we chase her around and she laughs and laughs.  Actually, at Target I had a hard time keeping up with her!  She has gotten so fast!!  She was also super amazing and pooped 3 times.  Once at Target at twice at the mall.  And that's in addition to the two times she'd pooped at home that morning (both times in my closet).  I fed her way too many raisins that week, lol.

We sat in the food court for a long time because Emily wanted to talk.  Shane's been gone for the past week, and Emily was gone for the week before that, so they hadn't seen each other in 2 weeks.  Before that, he'd only been home from his mission for 2 weeks.   Now Shane's saying that he doesn't feel the same way about her, wants to change his major from trombone performance to business management (and by so doing will lose his full-ride scholarship to Western), and is thinking about moving to Arizona or Utah.  Emily felt completely blindsided because before that, he'd been VERY affectionate and loving.  Actually, a little too affectionate and loving, but he'd told her that he was so sure that she was "the one," etc.  So Em had been starting to let down her guard and be happy and comfortable with the idea of being together.  So, yeah.  She was angry and upset, etc.  Becca and I talked to her about how this is frustrating, but a good thing, because Shane is slowing down and realizing he needs to think things through more instead of jumping into things right away.  That night, she and Shane had another talk, and he said the same things.  Jake had a good talk with her afterwards (I'm so grateful for him; I was so drained that I wouldn't have been able to be very understanding with her) and gave her a blessing.  We all agree that Shane is lame :)  Emily said that she is tired of being his "back up plan" and is moving on because she feels cheapened by him.  Jake thinks Emily is awesome, because Emily spoke her mind to Shane instead of being passive.  He thinks she's a great young woman.  And we all think that Emily deserves a good, good man... and she'll meet him when the time is right.

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