Friday, July 29, 2011

18w 1d - Appointment

Yesterday I had my first appointment with a midwife at Partners in Women's Health.  Met with Brandi Boone.  She can't be much older than Jake.  The appointment went well and was pretty brief.  Lila wasn't feeling well and got very upset when the medical assistant and midwife were in the room.  She especially hated it when Brandi used to the doppler to find the baby's heartbeat.  I'm thinking maybe we shouldn't bring her to the ultrasound.

It was really nice hearing the heartbeat again.  It's been 6 weeks since the last time.  It was low to start out with, around 139.  Brandi said, "Ooh, sounds like a boy."  But as soon as she said that, it sped up to be in the 150's.  So, who knows.  The baby did kick at the doppler and I felt it. :)  Thought that was pretty cute.

We scheduled the ultrasound and our 20 week appointment for Wednesday, August 10th at 8:30 in the morning.  I am SO, so, so excited to find out what we're having.  I really have no idea.  I would love another girl, but I'm up for the challenge and new-ness of a boy.  I just sincerely hope this baby is healthy and happy.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness, your pregnancy is just flying by! (Others' go fast, don't they?) I hope you're planning on telling what you're having. I can't wait to hear! I'm so, so excited for you guys. Definitely bring Lila to the ultrasound, even if she's not the best behaved, it's part of the experience. :) Or not, if it's really traumatic. I remember it being really special to have Katie there, and we got some pictures of her looking at the screen and sitting on the exam table with me. But she didn't have such traumatic times at the doctor's either. Hope you're feeling well!
