Monday, July 25, 2011

More Weekend

Friday night was the "coolest" night we'd had all week, maybe in the mid-80's, so we took Lila for a walk.  She'd napped in the car on the way home from the mall, so we got to stay out a little later than usual.  Actually, she didn't get to bed till 11, which is crazy late, but her sleep has been so off lately.  Anyway, we went to Frank and Kate's.  They were just getting home from a date; her mom had been watching George.  So we visited with them for a while, standing out in their yard.  Lila had fun watching Frank trim some of the trees in their yard.  Talked more baby/pregnancy stuff with Kate.  It'll be fun to go through a lot of this pregnancy with Kate.

We stayed up past midnight visiting with Mike, who came to fix his car, but it was almost dark by the time he got here.

Saturday morning was a rough one for Lila, so we all slept in past 9.  At least she slept in!  We picked up crock pots from Jen Randall and Alicia Thompson for the ward picnic and thawed/cooked the sloppy joe meat (we ended up with LOTS of leftovers, bought too much meat).  We went to Home Depot to pick up a paint sample for the big wall in the living area (Whetstone Gray by Martha Stewart; we're going to go with it).  Lila took a pretty good nap in the afternoon.  I tried to but couldn't fall asleep.

Before going to the ward picnic, we stopped at Walmart to pick up some chips.  At this point, I was feeling very tired and hungry and pregnant, and so when a middle-aged couple cut in front of me with a ton of school supplies (and I only had 2 bags of chips), I stopped them and they were rude to me but I totally stood up for myself. :)  Go Pregnant Rudi!

The ward picnic... sigh.  I generally don't like ward picnics, but it was SO hot and humid so I wasn't thrilled to be there.  We didn't get the pavilion because another group got there before us.  So we were sitting in the shade of a bunch of trees.  Long story short, it POURED on us for 5-10 minutes so we all got soaked.  But I think the kids have fun, and I guess that's all that matters.  Lila had a lot of fun playing and walking around on the playground.  Emily and Mike came, and so did one of Jake's co-workers, Doug.  He's probably in his 50's and going through his second divorce; both of his wives left him.  So he also talked with Mike about it for a while.

Got home, gave a very tired Lila a bath and got her to bed, though it took her a long time to wind down.  Jake and Mike went to pick up the king-size bed from the Randalls.  It was 11 by the time they were done.  Em visited with me till they were done.

The rest of Sunday was pretty good.  When Jake got home, Lila was sleeping in the car.  We went to Josh and Tamera Little's to pick up a few things they're getting rid of (like a gas grill with a smoker that Jake is really excite about) because they're moving to Utah in a few weeks.  It was a nice drive in the country and I enjoyed having that time to talk with Jake. 

Lila is learning so much lately.  She can say frog, Judy (this is the FUNNIEST thing I've ever heard her say, she has a hard time saying the J and the D but she tries so hard), Jake, Emmy, ribbit, frog (sounds like the f-word), and she copies a lot of the words that we make but doesn't know the meanings of them yet.  It's so cute, every time she walks into a room now, she says "Hi!" and I just love it.  I think she's getting taller.  She's still so blond and so cute.

Lila didn't take a nap till 2:30.  Before that, we set up the king bed in our room and moved all of our other beds around too.  The queen bed is now in the guest room, and the twin beds are in the other bedrooms. 

Emily and I left for Battle Creek at 4:15, before Lila woke up.  We went to see the house and meet the woman where Emily will be living the next year or so, maybe throughout all of her dental hygiene schooling.  Her name is Judy Barnes and she's the RS president in Battle Creek.  She's a 67-year-old widow, but she looks a lot older than that.  She's a very nice lady, very warm and kind, talkative.  Emily likes her a lot.  She likes the house a lot too, so it's a perfect situation for Emily (or so it seems right now).  Judy is easy to get a long with and not particular about many things, so I think Emily will be comfortable there.  And it's only 6 miles away from the school, so that's great too.  She'll pay $250 a month.

After we left there, we went to Mike's for dinner.  I was worried that I wouldn't like what he made (I was sooo hungry), but he made ravioli and and awesome salad and garlic bread and cookies.  So I stuffed myself.  Lila was happy to see me.  The 10 minutes before I got there, she started saying "mommy" and "milk" (meck) which is also a new word she can say, so she can tell me when she wants to nurse.  Oh boy.  lol.  She was really hungry, and I guess the guys hadn't thought to feed her.  She liked the ravioli, of course.  Visited with Mike a little bit but didn't stay too long.

Jake and I were excited to try out the bed, and we were both exhausted, so when we put Lila down at 9 we went to bed too.  Except Lila was in too much pain to fall asleep, so she cried for a long time.  So we went downstairs to watch a Blue's Clues (she says that too "coos"), and tire her out a little more.  During that time, we got a call asking us to speak in church on Sunday.  Fun fun :)  I had a feeling this past week that we'd be speaking soon, weird.  She finally went to bed at 11 and slept well, actually.  She's still sleeping now at 9am.  I slept better than I have in a long time too.

Have a busy day ahead of us and a midwife appointment! 

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