Monday, July 11, 2011

15w 4d

Haven't really written about the pregnancy in a while.  I forget that I am most days.  I ate so much in Ironwood that my belly looked pretty big, but I don't think I'm showing very much.  I did definitely grow though while we were in Ironwood.  Jake's dad said it looked like I'm hiding a basketball under my shirt, but he's exaggerating.  I weighed myself when we got to Ironwood and it said 103.6 or something... or maybe it was 101.6.  So no or little weight gain.  But by the time we left it said 106, lol.  But I think the scale isn't very accurate, so I'm not sure.

I'm switching midwives again.  I did this at this point in my pregnancy with Lila.  I'm going across the hall to Partners in Women's Health.  I'd been going to Bronson Women's Services.  I've heard great things about PiWH from friends.  BWS has 10 midwives and you could get any one of them when you deliver.  PiWH only has 3 midwives so you get to know them better.  BWS also accepts Medicaid, and I've heard that the staff at PiWH is a lot friendlier and nicer.

I'm feeling pretty good.  We've been going to bed really late, so I'm tired, but not too tired.  I got to sleep in till 9 this morning because Mom took Lila, and that was awesome.  First time I got to sleep in in a long time.

I think it's a boy.  A lot of people do.  My dad thinks it's a girl, because he had a "vision" or prompting that the world needs more good women to be raised to be good wives and mothers.  It'll be interesting to find out what this little baby is.

EDIT:  I forgot to write about my cravings for black olives.  I ate 3 full cans of them in Ironwood and am eating them in Esky too (I had my mom buy me some).  It's not like I NEED to have them, but they're just so yummy.  I remember liking them when I was pregnant with Lila too.  Once, in Ironwood, I walked into the kitchen where Lori was making chicken enchiladas.  There were a lot of spices and smells going on in there, but the second I walked in, I stopped dead in my tracks and said, "I smell olives!"  And there was a can open on the counter.  First time something like that has happened to me.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you had a good trip. Weird about the extra guests. It must have been so great to see everyone and spend all that time together. How did Cassandra take it all? I guess Melissa's girl influence wasn't enough to tame the rest of those Betzold boys. :) I like that Lila just wanted to zip/unzip the trampoline cover. And glad that Jake is such a good dad/uncle.
