Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Lila @ 16 months

  • This girl is a smarty pants!  She can say a lot of words, more than most kids her age.  She can't say them all clearly, but I'll put stars by ones that she can say clearly.
    • Mommy/Mama*, Daddy/Dada*, Papa*, Birdie*, Bucket, Blanket (Bweet/Beet), Shoe*, Walk*, Baby*, Hi*, Bye*, Bubbles*, Bike, Train (tee), Tree, Sky (Kye), No*, Book* (Bock), Flower (Fah), Cow*, Moo, Meow (Now), Bella (Ba), Ball*, Doggie (Dah), Quack, Bawk Bawk (chicken), Butterfly (Bu-hee), Bath (bah), water (wa-dee), Tweet tweet, Boat, Mermaid, Brody (Bwody), Rudi (Woo-dee), Jake (Dake), Emmy
  • The night we got back from the UP, Jake pointed at my belly and told her there was a baby in there.  A few days later, we were Skyping with my mom and my mom said the word baby, and Lila lifted up my shirt, pointed at my belly, and said "Baby."  She's been doing that often now.
  • Body parts she knows and can point to: Ear (learned after I taught her once), toes, belly, nose.
  • Doesn't like babies. Likes (little) big kids.
  • Ate a bunch of raisins the other day and was chewing them.  They're now one of her favorite snacks.
  • Has been introduced to the wonders of junk food: Likes donut holes, MandMs, smarties, chocolate chex, ice cream, pop ices, popsicles.
  • Did pretty good in the car to and from the UP.  Loved running around when we stopped.
  • Still loves to nurse.
  • Loves to give mom hugs and kisses.  Has been clingy to me lately because she's teething.  Points at me and cries (tears) when Jake holds her and says, "Ma da!"  She'll usually give Jake hugs if he asks her for them.
  • We live sort of near the Amtrak route, and whenever we hear the whistle blow, Lila pauses, makes her surprised face, and says "train!".
  • She loves being outside, walking around.  She loves climbing on her bike and in her toy car and when we push her around.  She loves playing bubbles.  
  • Enjoys bath time and showers again.
  • Still waking up a few times at night to eat.  We try to feed her more before bed, sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.
  • She's letting me feed her now, pop snacks into her mouth.  When she doesn't want me to, she shakes her head no.
  • She'll often nod her head if you ask her if she wants to do something.  
  • Loves doggies and all animals, really.  Her new favorites are cows and birdies.  Likes to be kissed by dogs.
  • Loves trampolines.
  • Does not like sand at the beach or going swimming.
  • She's usually really happy in the mornings and very smiley.  Sometimes likes to give us kisses when she wakes up.  
  • Likes playing with Jake's iPad.
  • She babbles a lot.  It often sounds like she's speaking a different language, she rambles on and on... sounds like French or Swedish or German.
  • Her hair is getting a lot longer and she has ringlets!  So cute.  She still doesn't like having bows in her hair, but sometimes I can sneak a piggy on top of her head.
  • She really likes books and when we read to her.  Her very favorite book is Lila Pirate.  Everytime she flips to the page where Teddy goes overboard, she says, "Oh no!" in a really high pitched voice.  She points out birdies and flowers in books and makes the appropriate animal noises for different animals.
  • She's still a big girl, wearing 3T.  Seems lately like she's getting taller.  Wears size 5 or 5 1/2 shoes.  She still loves wearing shoes and tries to walk around in mine sometimes, just like I used to do with my mom's shoes.
  • She loves my parents, and Jake's dad.  Iffy on Jake's mom, but we don't see them very often.
  • Loves the neighbor boys Toby and Brody.  If she sees or hears them playing outside, she says "Brody!" and stands by the door waiting to go out.
  • She often says "shoes" or "walk" and gets her shoes if she wants to go outside.
  • One time, Toby stood against our garage door and banged his butt against it to make a loud noise.  Now Lila does the same thing when we're outside, it's really cute.
  • She likes going for walks in her stroller.
  • Likes lotion.
  • Still loves her blanket.  Generally likes cuddling with blankets and pillows.
  • Does well at stores when we're out shopping.  Is becoming more easily distracted by snacks and water.
  • I love spending my days with this kid.  I love being her mom and still can't believe she's mine sometimes (I think it's the blond hair and blue eyes :).  I love seeing her and Jake sit side by side and seeing how much they look alike and remind me of each other.

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