Wednesday, December 7, 2011


Let's see.  Monday was busy.  I had an NST at 11:00, and Lila had slept in till 9, which was awesome.  The NST took an hour!  The baby didn't want to cooperate until the last minute again.  Maybe it's because I have to take my medication--which lowers my blood sugar--at breakfast.  So I had to eat and drink a bunch of stuff to get him moving, which he eventually did.  Lila did great.  She did fall off the reclining chair I was sitting on, but recovered quickly. :)  Otherwise, she had fun eating candy, watching Netflix on my phone, and talking about Jared Brother.  The nurses are always so sweet and adore Lila, always telling me how sweet and cute she is.  They're very nice to me too, making sure I'm comfortable, bringing me magazines to read and snacks and looking out for Lila.

I had wanted to stop to have lunch with Jake when we were done, but his meeting went longer than planned (it was his one-on-one with Rebecca and they talked a lot about the church), so Lila and I went home.  She fell asleep on the way home and woke up when we got out.  It took her a few more hours to fall asleep again.  We watched Brig that evening because it was Alicia's birthday.  Brig must've been coming down with a cold/bug because he pooped three NASTY ones while we watched him, and Lila pooped twice too.  Way fun. :)  We were ambitious and took them both to Sam's Club, where they both pooped at the same time.  Jake took them and changed their diapers while I pushed a loaded, heavy cart around the store to finish shopping.  I was pretty tired when we were done :)

Yesterday we stayed home all day, which was nice, and needed, because Lila had an off day.  She's sick and not feeling well.  Cried a lot, wanted to be held most of the day.  She slept all night in her bed (hooray!) and was okay for an hour or so, but then got super tired and cranky and napped from 11-12.  Annette Shumway came over during that time (without Ruby) to help chop vegetables for the freezer.  We pre-chopped stir fry veggies, hope they will still taste good when we eventually steam them... they should, right?  Then Lila was cranky for most of the afternoon until she napped again at 4:00.  Jake didn't get home till 6 because he was interviewing someone at work (who had a handlebar mustache!).  And then we grabbed some chicken nuggets from McDonalds and headed to a bowling alley for his co-worker Doug's birthday.  Rebecca had her 18 month son Nathaniel there and Lila had a blast playing and running around with him.  It was very cute!  Lila pushed the bowling ball down the ramp just once but wasn't too interested in that.  It was a nice time though, good to get out together as a family before life becomes crazy for a little while.  We hadn't been bowling in over a year.  Jake didn't do so well :) I sat on the couch the whole time :)

Oh, visiting with Annette was really nice.  Commiserated over how intense being a mom can be.  How becoming moms rocked our worlds.  And how our husbands don't really get it, how intense it all is.  Preston is already wanting another kid, and their baby is only 6 months old.  Annette had a difficult pregnancy (violent puking!), an awful delivery (an induction that took 2+ days, the baby had to be delivered with either a vacuum or forceps, can't remember, and she had an episiotomy that was infected for months afterwards).  Jake's always saying that we should just keep 'em coming, and he's serious.  I think it's different when you only see your kids for a few hours in the evening when they're happy and excited to see you, versus all day every day... and when you don't have to be the pregnant one pushing a baby out of your nether regions.

By the way, Emily was asking what it's like to have a baby.  (Jake's on the phone with Mike right now... and I'm not tired... so I have time to "blab.")  I told her that it's basically like taking the biggest poop of your life.  Pooping out an 8 pound turd.  That's what it felt like for me.  When Jake had his anal fissure surgery and was in a lot of pain, he said to me, "You have no idea what this feels like."  And I gave him a look, and he said, "Oh... wait... you probably do..."

Hmm... what else.  Today we stayed home again, and that was nice.  Lila slept all night in her bed again.  The past few nights I've heard her yelling in her room and kind of making a fuss, but then all of a sudden it stops and she falls asleep.  I've woken up around 5:30 or so the past few mornings and have had a hard time falling back asleep.  So I'm pretty tired.  We had a good day though.  Our chest freezer was delivered this morning at 10, which was great.  If you would've told me 5 years ago that I'd be buying a chest freezer--and that I'd be excited about it--I wouldn't have believed you.  Lila had a good day, over all.  Much less clingy than she has been.  Her thing today though was being "scared."  Whenever she hears the Amtrack go by, whenever she hears something happening in the other room (like the dishwasher, or the furnace), when she hears a car or bus drive by... she'll widen her eyes and then run over to me or Jake and just fall into our arms and let us hold her.  It's actually pretty awesome because we love snuggling with her, and a lot of the time she doesn't want to.  Jake especially loves it, because she doesn't usually snuggle with him.

This afternoon Mike stopped by to drop off our GPS that he'd borrowed, and Lila heard his footsteps, and freeeeaked out.  Ran to me in a panic, and was genuinely scared.  We've never seen that before.

Anyway.  She's adorable.  She can sing songs with us now.  Mostly she does just hand motions, but she actually knows words to "I Love to See the Temple", "A Child's Prayer," "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star."  Tonight we had a nice time snuggling with her on the couch, all of us with our arms around each other, and then again on our bed, she wanted to sing.  We ask her what song she wants to sing and she'll say, "What about.... hmm... Popcorn!"  lol, it is so funny!!  She says "what about" because I will say that when I'm suggesting songs for us to sing.  Never intended to teach her that, and she just picked that up on her own.  So funny.

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