Friday, December 16, 2011

Five more days...

Five more days to go.  Sigh.

Yesterday was rough because I had to be at an NST at 9am.  Lila was really sleepy.  But she was still a really good girl.  The nurses there love her.  Told me that I'm so lucky she's such a good girl, because not every little kid is like that.  She was looking pretty sleepy on the way home, and when I pulled into the driveway, she shouted, "No! Car ride!" lol.  So I drove around our neighborhood a bit.  I told her, "Lila, you can fall asleep honey."  And immediately she zonked out, it was pretty funny.  We had a pretty good day.  She likes watching this Twinkle Twinkle music video on YouTube and also ABC videos and songs, so we did that for a while.  After lunch I zonked out on the couch for a bit while she watched Toy Story 3.  And then she took a nap, but I couldn't fall asleep again.  Emily came over after a while.  Jake didn't get home from work till 6, and his meeting started at 6, but it was a call in so he immediately headed down to the basement.  Shortly after that, the Shumways stopped by to drop off some cookies.  He's our Home Teacher and she's my Visiting Teacher.  Then Emily and I took Lila to the mall so I could get my eyebrows waxed and drop off the ring Jake got me last year for our anniversary... one of the little diamonds fell out again.  We sat in the food court for a little while.  It was good to get out.  Lila took a bath when we got home and Jake's meeting ended at around... 9:30 maybe.  That guy is so busy.

After Lila went to bed, he finished up some work emails and we snuggled on the couch, talking.  I'm enjoying this time with him as much as I can, because I know for the next few months we won't be able to connect as much.  And then at 11 or maybe a little later, Mike arrived.  He spent the night because he and Cassandra left early this morning to drive to Nauvoo to get their marriage license.  We ended up talking with him till 1am.  He is nervous about a few different things about Cassandra and their relationship.  And they still haven't talked about a lot of really important things, so we helped him kind of sort through those things and figure out what he needed to talk to her about in the car today.  I know way too much about that guy's sexual history and preferences.  Way too much. lol.  Hopefully he and Cassandra can get some things figured out today.  He does not want to get "stuck" in another unhappy marriage.  It's really pretty unfortunate that they're getting married so quickly... I think having a few months to get to know each other better would be so good for them, and he kind of thinks so too.  We'll see what happens.

Lila woke up at 5:30 or something and cried till 7:00 or so.  That was really fun.  I was a mean mom towards the end, yelling at her to go to sleep.  And, she did, eventually.  Poor Jake, though.  I feel bad when he doesn't get enough sleep.  Lila and I got to sleep in till 10, after she went back to sleep.  It's been a slow and lazy day.  She's napping now.

1 comment:

  1. It's so hard when your kids don't sleep how they should, at the right times and for the "right" lengths. :) Good luck!

    What you write about M&C makes me nervous for them!

    Five more days! Yay!
