Wednesday, December 14, 2011

38 weeks.

Yesterday, we went over to Alicia's at dinnertime.  Jake had a very late meeting (corporate strategy for 2012), so it was pretty important that Lila get out so that I didn't go crazy.  I would've had Alicia over, but they only have one car.  She fed me dinner and cookies, as usual.  I sure like her :)  Lila had a blast playing with Brig, of course.  They ran around in circles singing, "Ashes! Ashes" and then falling down.  She's a sweet girl.  She sure hated it when I had Brig in my lap, though.  Cried and cried and wanted me to hold her instead. :)  She's in for a real treat when little brother comes.

So Jake didn't get home till almost 1am.  Lila didn't fall asleep till after 11!  Late.  We had bath time and relaxed together.  She's still sick.  She was being silly and pretending she was a "mermaid" in the bath tub.

Jake got home, and I was still awake, but almost asleep in bed.  We stayed up till at least 1:30 talking and laughing in the dark.  I loved it.  He talked about work, how things are going there.  Good but busy.  Talked about the baby coming.  Jake is really, really excited.  My Facebook status today:

Last night after I told Jake about how Lila's bath went. (He didn't get home from work till after midnight.)
Jake: I'm AMAZED all the stuff you can still do even when you're so pregnant.
Rudi: Well, I did sit on the couch almost all day.
Jake: That's amazing.

Yes. Yes it is amazing.

This morning we were able to sleep in till 8, shower, and then head to our LAST midwife appointment at 9:15!  The last one!  Can you believe it?  I'm being induced a week from this morning.  Hopefully, a week from today we will have our little boy here.  WOW.  I'm so uncomfortable, mostly only at night when I'm getting out of bed.  It's pretty painful and it's hard to walk to the bathroom.  Luckily, I usually only have to get out of bed once a night to go the bathroom, which is SO much better than with Lila... I was getting up every 1-2 hours.  The midwife appointment was pretty uneventful.  They didn't check my cervix.  Heather was going to, but she was out with Strep today, so we saw Brandi.  They'll write me a prescription for a breast pump after I deliver, and our insurance will cover 80% of the cost.  Jake is also going to "deliver" the baby... or, rather, catch him as he's coming out.  He's pretty excited about that :)  I'm measuring small, around 35 weeks and I'm 38 today.  She felt around and said that she doesn't think he'll be a very big baby either, and that's what Heather said last week.  So, I'm interested to see how big (or small) he'll be!  I weighed 141.  Not bad.  Not bad at all.  It will be so nice not to have to lose 10-15 extra pounds like I did with Lila.  Hopefully it comes off pretty quickly.  I hate feeling frumpy and chubby after baby.

Hmm... so after that, Jake went to work and I came home.  We had lunch, standard, and Lila took a nap.  AND SO DID I.  It was a great nap, but Lila only slept her standard hour and a half.  Kate and George stopped by and brought some freezer meals.  I'll have to bring her some meals after she has her baby.  They weren't able to visit long, because we met Jake for dinner at 4:30 at Culver's.  It was so nice to see him for dinner, because he had to interview someone at 5:30 and that took an hour.  I sure miss him.  I told him, on the way to our midwife appointment, how life really is so much better when we're together.  At least for me. :)  I just feel so much more relaxed when we're together, and he's so helpful with Lila.

We've had a quiet evening.  Jim (brother) is recording a few of Dad's songs and wanted Jake to record the drum tracks for them.  So Jake did one tonight, and Lila had a lot of fun dancing and playing along in the basement.  I was able to finish my Primary stuff.  I've had a lot to do this week for Primary, but thankfully I get a break for a while.  Talked to Mike today.  He's still pretty unsure about a few aspects of his and Cassandra's relationship.  Hopefully they can have a few good talks before the wedidng!

1 comment:

  1. Yay! A post to read in the morning! :) Sorry Jake's been gone so much...I feel your pain.

    I wonder why they didn't check you...especially at your last appointment! That's so exciting! We can't wait to meet Jared! (although I told Katie we'd go see Lila's new baby brother, and she said, "What will his name be?" I said, "Jared." and she said, "No! I'm not going!" I said, "How come?" and she said, "I don't even like that name!" Can't please everyone, I guess. :))
